
Ugh!!! If only JJ had been a little more respectful not to destroy one time line to create a new one of his own, we would not all be scrambling around trying to explain things like different physical appearances. That is supposed to be the Trek crew when they were younger. Not in a concordant timeline.

How would 12 nipples help you survive an impact at high speed?

That is an absolutely gorgeous sculpt.

I love James Cameron, so I had to buy this when it came out on has never seen the inside of my DVD player. Not sure I can get excited about a movie that lacked re-watch appeal.

I thought exactly the same way! How can you call it Avatar at all. It WAS an Avatar.

Tear down the handles and repaint. It would look like any other progressive office building.

I wish this article went into greater detail about the structures than just “organic molecules”.

....And marred by the force filed suits that magically transfer sound through space...and the cat girl that sometimes mans the communications station....and warp 35 in that one episode...and a third Harry Mudd episode.

Agreed. He may be the only person in that entire reboot that pleases me. Chris Pine channels Shatner sometimes, but not consistently. Zach did a great job as Spock too. But I hate the story of those movies, and I hated Ben as Kahn. They totally lost the spirit of the original character.

What I loved about Bones was his complete comfort with death. Unlike the self preservation exhibited by other characters, Bones would not flinch when confronted with a potentially deadly situation. Were other characters might fight back or run for cover, Bones would just be like “If you are going to do it, aim for the

Star Trek is a part of who I am. It shaped my values is some ways. It is hard to pick just one thing that is my favorite thing about Star Trek, but, to answer the question, I like Gene’s vision of the future, though idealistic it may be.

Well, as tasteless as I apparently am, I really enjoyed “Someone to watch over me”, “Real Life”, “Year of Hell”, just to name a few. But I will give you that Voyager’s strength is not in its individual episodes. It’s strength is in the overall story arch of the series, and the way that characters were developed over

I loved the Xindi story arch. The first time we watched that series through, we were on the edge of our seat every episode of season 3. It was really exciting, and single handedly made that show enjoyable for me. I also really liked Trip.

I’m really glad you guys are doing this week long tribute to Star Trek. I love seeing all these people commenting and discussing my favorite franchise. It has felt as if it has died or become something unfamiliar with these new movies that basically CRAP on the Roddenberry legacy. Paramount always lacked respect for

I loved Voyager. I deeply connect with Tom Parris...a tallented guy who was held back by his own lack of confidence and daddy issues. But...that aside, once Kes was off the show, and then they brought in Naomi W and 7 of 9, the show got a LOT better. I grew to love Janeway, and even Tuvok, though I fail to understand

Voyager was amazing. To say what you just said, you must not have watched it through.

A little know fact about DS9 and B5 is that the writer of B5 pitched his idea for the series to studio execs in the hopes they would pick it up as the next Star Trek series. They said NO for whatever reason. So he found someone else to produce the show and re-titled it to get it out of the Star Trek Universe.