
No, thanks, I’d crash it. Most people would crash it. I think K-Mag is probably the only driver at Haas who wouldn’t crash it...

The coolest Lamborghini never made was the Asterion

ew, no. Looks like an old Celica with a body kit. 

“LIQUID MOLLY” instead of “LIQUI MOLY” in the ad has to be the absolutely crack-pipiest typo ever!

Makes sense; an icebreaker is a specialized design and needs lots of thrust to ride up onto the ice to break through. Those are all reversible props too while a carrier’s props are fixed-pitch. 

I used to work in the Portland shipyards back in the 80's (college job) and saw an ice breaker in drydock. It had three props that big. It was less than half as long, and 40 odd feet narrower across the beam.

The “this man who always looks and dresses like he was born ‘recently-divorced’” bit was my undoing.

Not Air Force. Those guys are a-holes

Your umlaut should be over the "a" in "männer" not the "e."

I shall invent a device that alerts Dolphins fans when they are being erroneously charged for purchases. It will emit a Dolphin-call shriek if a skimmer is used to rack up a fraudulent charge. I will call it “the Miami Sound Machine.”

The words icon and diva are oft bestowed upon those who cannot hold a candle to Ms. Norman.

old interior

Djokovic was on a roaster, he withdrew due to injury

That must make this your ultimate vehicle.

Semen Storage Blows Its Load

So “Moo-kake” is all good then?

Nothing like watching some middle aged people fighting in a Colorado suburb.

These guys fight with the skill and grace of three sleepy manatee trying to fuck a beach ball.

Having three kids is a challenge.  Getting out of the house away from your three kids is an even bigger challenge.