
“An amateur astronomer may have detected an object from outside our solar system” 

You know my motto: Alpinas, All The Time.

Oh. Sorry. I thought the people with the burning flesh smell should get one...

With this shared heritage, can you at least ENCOURAGE Young Mr. Tracy to put his considerable talent to use restoring old 924s instead of basket-case Jeeps?

Finally somebody put some effort into a Chevy interior.

“Wow, amazing. NONE of the Citroen trucks lasted more than 3,000 miles and they all failed catastrophically! Congrats on the sabotage.”

As a physicist who is also a gearhead, every time I see a picture like this, I end up asking: test track or particle accelerator?

Soon we’ll all be coo-coo for coco gauff

Good to see everyone still celebrating Tiger’s Masters win.


I have a video saved on my phone and computer, it’s of us at PT when she’s about a year and a half and taking her first steps.

Oh my fucking god, Drew! I’m so sorry that you went through that and I’m so fucking happy you’re alive! To share I went through something milder than that last year. I had 3-4 episodes where I was shaking badly. One time when I was going to work and it was so bad I couldn’t put the lid on my coffee; a stranger had to

Yea i'm a Rafa Nadal fan but I'm really wanting someone else to win RG this year, except for Djokovic

I finally opted to not vote for the Pope. I feel so dirty. Like I need a fresh pair of pants or something.

Something something drag queen. It is too late so make up your own joke.

I would have guessed Infinite Tucker to be a contestant on Drag Race, not, y’know, an actual race.


OH MY GOD COME ON!!!! Whether Rendon was right or wrong, that was a bullshit ejection. Players have to be allowed to be angry and demonstrative for as long as it takes for the amphetamines to wear off.

That looks nothing like a hearse. This on the other hand...

Interesting that the original ad has a typo.