
“I’ll have the Kidde’s meal”

Rev. Pix Butt going down is a god damn crime against humanity.

Most tennis figures were silent on this until Darren Cahill (Gibert’s colleague on ESPN) put out a statement, and then it seemed like that started empowering others to speak out, Andy Murray chief among them.

Lendl should announce he is running just to kick Gilbert's ass again.

Does Plano have elevation changes that aren’t buildings?

Dramatic reenactment of the event:

Which one is supposed to be the better looking one?

Needs more lugnuts.

“Detailing cars is the most soul sucking profession on the planet,”..

Flowers By Irene.

It took them four years to figure out flush handles because the engineers kept misunderstanding and putting these on the cars.

Just a warning to other one lads, who was drunk, nothing you do is funny or charming. Literally none of it.

“Young man, back in 1984, I spent a glorious and debaucherous night in the trainer’s room at Exhibition Stadium.

Yes, that’s sadly far more likely than Schiano suddenly coming to the realization that he needs to spend more time at a generic megachurch in the company of the family he’s never done anything other than neglect.

I am replying to myself and my own article to let the record show that I am not racist since I wear white after Labor Day.

I’m guessing he already didn’t need that dating app.

It is better than Nissan’s current designs.

I’m the hooper, the hyper, protect by Viper

And here we thought James Harden was the only Trevelin Queen.

Because that’s not how you win elections. Being the most principled loser doesn’t help you forward any political positions.   It does help you get a bunch of young urban coastal voters, and if they weren’t functionally disenfranchised by virtue of not living in one of the handful of places where votes count, that