
I hope he plans to meet with Nintendo to take care of all the kids doing mushrooms.

The only thing violent games taught me was that I love killing Nazis

“So to every yellow dot-eating circle, to every damsel-stealing gorilla, to the Italian plumbers who use their jumping abilities to alter and undermine what our flag represents. ... your time is running out. The clock starts now. Seriously, there’s a clock running, you have to complete the first stage. Go.”

Now playing

I think it’s because Trump’s friends got upset by the trailer for the game about killing Nazis because they’re evil. The company was asked for a statement because it upset people and they reiterated - yes we think Nazis are evil. America everyone. (Strong language CGI blood, violence etc)

So, this administration wants to take away our video games, our pot, deport hardworking people, and put the rest of us into bankruptcy...and yet not take away guns.

You forgot “The only way to stop a bad guy with a video game is a good guy with a video game.”

Dear Video Game Industry People: Here are some responses you can use...

So some Tipper Gore type pearl clutcher is behind this, has to be, right?

Today’s Code 45* contemplates the almost complete lack of legislative action under the current administration. Well, it turns out there’s a pretty obvious explanation.

An athletic rivalry so intense that you want to lynch your opponent...

Why did the Obama Administration start an investigation into the Trump Campaign (with zero proof of wrongdoing) long before the Election in November? Wanted to discredit so Crooked H would win. Unprecedented. Bigger than Watergate! Plus, Obama did NOTHING about Russian meddling.


When I heard about this I didn’t think I would give him anything but I might follow this person’s lead:

In 1977, Wayne LaPierre led an internal coup of the organization, and turned it into what it is today.

Step up your game, Loesch.

Posting a video of yourself on Twitter inviting young men to your hotel room adjacent to a large convention seems very, uh, Craigslist-ish.

“North Korea, we imposed today the heaviest sanctions ever imposed by our country before. And frankly, hopefully, something positive can happen. We will see, but hopefully, something positive, well see. That just was announced and I wanted to let you know.”

There is some trickiness to today’s Code 45*, so please follow along closely. “Pride” is clearly used in the sense of a group of lions – that is, a pack of wild animals. “Wall” is obviously used in the transitive verb sense of “to surround” or “separate” with a barrier, as in ‘we must wall the garden to keep the