
Here’s another way to think of it:

Who among us hasn’t met with a Russian lobbyist offering dirt on our father’s political opponent as a pretext to talk about sanctions, forgotten to talk about the dirt, and then lied about it for months?

Idk I still have faith that sooner rather than later they will do something so magnanimously stupid there’s no walking it back. Like at least we’re lucky they’ve proven to be so incompetent they can’t even be devious.

That is just part of the mental gymnastics that the GOP has had to do to support Trump. If Obama had been played this badly, and proposed a joint cyber security unit with the Russians, there would have been calls for his impeachment. But Trump is a Putin groupie, so now they love him. They did the same with Wikileaks.

Hell, why do we even need a military at all if russia and China are our friends?

Ladies and gentlemen, I present our new head of Henhouse Security, Ravenous Q. Fox.

Trump is Putin’s mentally ill dupe. Trump needs to be removed from office as soon as possible. This should be the top priority of the Congress.

Someone explain to me, apart from now tolerating the Orthodox Church, what’s substantially different between Russia now and Russia when Reagan was calling it “The Evil Empire?”

I’m just glad we don’t have to investigate Russia anymore. Putin said he didn’t do it, so I guess that’s that.

Our president is a basket of shit.

I can’t comprehend why anyone would expect anything else from Trump. He’s done and said the dumbest possible things since he began with the Obama birther nonsense. It’s all he’s capable of. He needs to be gone. Period.

Personally I think we either didn’t sacrifice enough goats to our gods or we sacrificed too many goats to our gods.

President of the United States of America: A job so easy, even your kids can do it!

“Look everyone, I’m working so hard on behalf of women.”

It makes me sick how we’re all supposed to mindlessly buy into Daughter Dingus’ pathetic phony creation myth, like she’s anything more than a spoiled little airhead who owes everything she has to the money her awesome daddy swiped from other people. Look at her, sitting there with that moronic pucker on her plastic

Is there no one else is more qualified then a fake shoe designer wax doll to sit at G20 while her daddy had to tinkle because no stamina??

“No, it’s Hydra. Hi-drah.”