Ice cold.
Ice cold.
This won't be the first time potentially fake Dominicans will have to answer to the Inquisition.
"The apple in Snow White is red and has a proud tradition, so just shut up."
Different direction? "Would you like to make an objection? $.99 for one objection or $3.99 for five."
Rule 9(a): As of 2013, we are no longer counting "going to the Browns away game" as a charity event for purposes of these rules.
Bartolo Colon has just announced that he will gladly take on the responsibility of keeping the combined weight of New York pitching rotations at the same point it was last season.
I don't know what has more sanctimonious fans anymore, Jeopardy or baseball.
Grand Forks, ND definitely gets CBC (and TSN). That town loves its hockey.
Robocop saved Sting from the Four Horsemen and is the biggest hero ever.
Peyton Manning's Apocalypse Now.
I'm kind of disappointed the Undertaker didn't show up, but you have to save something for Casino's Law 2.
I heard the Fisherman's Wife is a planned DLC character.
Counterpoint to the title: NBA Jam.
"Way ahead of you."
Hey, I'll have you know that porn game almost won Game of the Year.
Meet 'n' Fuck Kingdom
Please don't change Kinja again
That Twins one seems too lopsided. Obviously the Twins should offer Sano in addition to Buxton and Rosario.
Cleveland better watch out. If Bennett keeps this up, he'll soon be taking his talents to South Beach. No, not that South Beach, but the south beach of Lake Ladoga when he jumps to the Russian league.
It should go without saying that Rex Ryan keeps three or four foot fetish sites in business entirely on his own.