Doctor Claugh

Man, I still like Clean Slate. It's not perfect but it has some amazing moments. And c'mon, Michael Gambon is the bad guy!

I'm not sure if it was my favorite movie of the year but I think I got more enjoyment out of The Raid 2: Berandal than anything else I saw this year in the theater. A worthy sequel to a movie as amazing as Redemption. It's a bummer that it's not represented here.

God, Nate is the worst.

Was anyone else a little distracted by the running wights attacking Bran and co.? I assume those were wights but were they something else?

Rubber was HORRIBLE and I love shitty movies.

How great would it have been if he just pardoned him right there (would have made way more sense with book Tommen because he's just a dumb kid but I digress). Cersei, Tywin, most of the court, and most of the book readers would have pooped their pants.

I kind of wish Tommen was a little more emotional about his uncle possibly being put to death. He's obviously a puppet at this point but he's still a kid who is seeing a guy who was always way nicer to him than everyone else get judged. Do you think Tommen thinks he killed Joffrey at the beginning of the trial? He

No worries, dudes. They'll just put all of Tyrion's Tysha mentions from the first 2 seasons into the 10 minute long "previously on" segment before the next episode. Boom! Exposition!

Guys, I'm all for the Lady Stoneheart reveal to close out the season but can I suggest an alternative scene:

Cameos by David Duchovney and the Lone Gunmen! 9-way!

I'm still holding out hope but the longer we go without seeing him the less confident I get…

Lithe-Hannibal-Stag-Beast, even when the CG doesn't look perfect, still creeps me out like crazy. It's the lack of expression and limited movement, like a snake just waiting to strike.

Shhh, they might hear you…

The Will-Hannibal sexual tension is reaching Mulder-Scully levels. Just bone already!

Where is Varys? They're really short-changing one of the most interesting characters in the books.

Definitely the weakest of the season so far but I still enjoyed the Will/Hannibal/Margot scenes quite a bit. The Randall/bearman scenes just felt very jarring in comparison to everything we have seen so far.

I get keeping the investigation alive but what about the psychological effect? Everyone talks about how all of the people who have ever dined with Hannibal will react when he is finally captured and the big truth about his dinner parties is revealed. People are assuming there will be some montage with everyone puking

I guess so. He puts on a pretty good poker face when eating meat that is most likely human. That's commitment.

The only thing I'm not really loving lately is the evolution (de-evolution?) of Jack Crawford. I thought he was still suspicious of Hannibal? Why would he eat that omelette?