Doctor Claugh

All I want in life is for Hannibal and The Wire to exist in the same universe and this would get us one step closer.

"Do you see?"

I just needed to point out how incredible Tom Noonan was in the role of Francis Dolarhyde. It's one of the best horror movie performances of all-time.

I'm glad we know now that Dr. Bloom's favorite Hannibal recipe is DICK

Will Smith as Harriet Tubman pretty please?!

I'm not buying Chilton's death until I see a corpse. He didn't get shot in the forehead, more in the cheek (it did look pretty bad though).

Chilton's reaction to that wink was just priceless.

Do you think Hannibal, if it continues with it's current quality and hopefully gains some momentum with the general public (whoever can put up with the gore), will ever venture into flashback episodes or other sorts of non-linear storytelling? I'm a little obsessed with this show right now and I can't help but think

Freddie Lounds should call her book about Abigail "My Father The Hero" and they should eventually make a movie about it