
I have my doubts Nintendo planned on it, but the Switch is a great system for new parents and people that are ill. I fall into both (10mo old and fighting stage iv cancer for 2nd time in a year). I bought a couple of PS4 games that I barely touched this past year. But my Switch? It was the first thing my wife brought

Omaha Chargers!

That’s not how you spell Temecula.

I’ll randomly break this out of the drawer for a spontaneous hot ass contest with my wife and the dogs. Sadly, one of the dogs usually wins.

I’ll randomly break this out of the drawer for a spontaneous hot ass contest with my wife and the dogs. Sadly, one

Wait, you question the credentials of the Red Cross AND THEN GIVE A LINK TO THE UNITED WAY? Oof.


Or taking a dump.

While I was sick with cancer, I tried to find small joys in life. One of which was completely bullshitting my height to nurses. When I’m healthy, I’m 5-7. After months of chemo and radiation, I was probably in the 5-5 range due to a ton of muscle loss. With multiple doctors appointments each week, I wanted to see if

He’s a Kanger.

The United States’ dark history of PED abuse has to make you question Justin Gatlin’s career.

I had stage iv colon cancer until May, when I underwent a pretty bad ass procedure called a Whipple. Anyway, the hospital stay is normally about 10 days. The only way you’re released from hospital is if you drop ass in front of a doctor or nurse. They then judge if your fart is good enough that what’s left of your

In Omaha, we have a margarita truck that hits our neighborhood. Plays steel drums and Pitbull instrumentals. That thing gets business.

Dad? Is that you?

You can buy a splitter for less than $3.

Even if you want to keep your hookers on your work phone, this doesn’t take much. Isn’t this what Google Hangouts with a separate number is all about? I’m not even a millennial and I know this.


I got blacklisted by Happy Joe’s years ago. They wouldn’t even deliver. Guess getting hammered and climbing into a skee-ball machine wasn’t a great idea.

Made Juicy Lucy’s last week. Those suckers are tougher to cook than you think.