Kevin McHargue

Not only dead, but killed in front of him by evil speedsters. It was like saying "I swear on the lives of the passengers of the Titanic I will not let this ship get sunk by an iceberg."

"I swear on the lives of two loved ones impaled by evil speedsters that I will not let a loved one be impaled by an evil speedster" is not a very inspiring approach.

I'm not sure you can read that much into names. "Leda" was actually the mother of Castor and Pollux (her female twins were Helen and Clytemnestra, who played pivotal roles in the Trojan War). With the weirdness typical of Greek myths, Castor and Clytemnestra had a mortal father, while Helen and Pollux were fathered by

What makes it worse is that the only reason Grace found out about the presents was that Robert couldn't take the time to pull out things Grace might want to keep. He handed the task off to the housekeeper, just as he had tried to use gifts to avoid dealing with Grace's feelings. It's a lifelong pattern.

"Left it all on the field."

Also wouldn't Robert be on Medicare?

So basically the series finale of Avatar: The Last Airbender.

It's insane, but it is an authentic comic-book way of looking at the world. The Silver Age Batman comics had an elaborate story where Thomas Wayne somehow traveled in time but refused to stop his own murder, because he wanted his son to fulfill his destiny and become Batman (because really, what father isn't willing

My son's also named Carter, and after Hawkman was killed off he said "Good, I'm tired of hearing them use my name."

In theory Talking Dead could just gradually turn into a show where Hardwick does ventriloquism with cadavers.

So does "Who's the Boss"

For some reason what impressed me most was that brief shot when Sarah is watching Tammy dance with her cis-gendered dad and then the camera pans over to Maura. Without any dialogue or closeups, it conveyed this very tiny, very authentic moment of wistfulness and melancholy, existing in the transition between this sort

Or Felicity might still be in the hospital?

I think he looks Terrific.

My money has been on Lance as well, although after this episode I'm wondering if Felicity's mom might get caught in the crossfire. That would have a lot of emotional impact on everyone without losing a core character, and would explain why they're suddenly giving her a romantic subplot and more screen time.

It occurred to me that Merlyn might try to use Savage's ashes to fix the Lazarus Pit? Like a jump-start of immortal mojo? It makes more sense than the idea that he just randomly wants to resurrect a powerful potential adversary.

You might want to think about the phrase "using the recent Paris attacks to paint a negative picture of all Syrian refugees." The words "all Syrian refugees" make it sound like, sure, some Syrian refugees were involved in the Paris attacks, but just a few bad apples. In fact no one involved in the attacks was either

Do you seriously not know how to spell Matt Mira's name or are you just trolling him?

They're first cousins, not brothers, but I agree the resemblance is distracting

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