lol .
lol .
Umm…. Neil is talking politics and GMOs. I am on topic.
Paragraphs copied from the internet can be spotted ten miles away.
Just double checking. you do understand that's a very proGMO link, right?.
ok…let's investigate you. so over 13,000 comments on nothing but music, tv and movies.
"not great" "Post ratio" LOL.
Start posting responses that actually reference science. Do you even understand what science is?
That's the first time I posted that link.
that video has nothing to do with GMOs and scientists. I am just quoting a poll from thousands of scientists. What part of this do you not understand? Scientists in this poll are not relying on social media or wikipedia for their science info. They do research and rely on other researchers publishing in science…
Being antiGMO is antiscience.
You have not been stating any science or direct experience. Calling someone a shill is nonsense. It is name calling.
we'd have a lot less CO2 global warming gas in the atmosphere if we went all nuclear power long ago.
If 89% of scientists disagree with you, that makes you anti-science.
Nope.. never happened. Pure antiGMO activist myth. Do you have any names of these farmers?
Neil Young probably gets upset at people who don't pay for music and copyrights.
Yup. I don't really get these people antiGMO at all. I don't know any farmers against GMOs. none. They think I lie here. I even know of organic farmers who are also mostly GMO conventional. Their organic fields are separate.
and they mostly got caught when they admitted they sprayed glyphosate. That's admission of guilt right there. They knew they had herbicide tolerent GMO crops
The ironic part of those farmers being sued is that they are proGMO farmers trying to cheat.. They tried to grow GMO crops by not paying the required fees. Others farmers who play by the rules are not happy with cheaters.
Organicconsumers is an antivax website! That's your source? And You wonder why we get concerned by all that "bullshit"? hahaha https://www.organicconsumer…
Soybeans now have seed treatments too, so they wouldn't be saved even if nonGMO.