Kevin K

I was excited pre Covid when it was understood that Springsteen would go back out with the E Street Band on tour this past summer, alas never happened. I guess I might enjoy a new album recorded with the E Street Band together. Probably won’t though. 

Don Ohlmeyer, what a quisling. 

I’m a Josh Gad well wisher, in that I wish he was in a well. 

I get tired of Chris Kattan just reading his name. 

I still remember the day Prince died. My dad came to visit me and we went out for pizza and just the entire time I was thinking “damn Prince is dead, how can life get better?” Went with a thin crust pizza with sausage though that was great, had a couple Peronis because the only other option was Bud Light.  

BoJack deserved any Emmy. This last season has given me the feels, and I needed it.

My heist team is almost assembled for this. Just waiting on the last minute hold up for the job, things went south for him and me on that McDonald’s Monopoly theft, but damn if he’s not best in the business.

You know who should do all the political impersonations?

That’s because 30 Rock deserves every Emmy. 

Give the Emmy to BoJack. 

I actually had tickets to see the whole Ring Cycle performed in April. Alas it was a casualty of COVID.

Wait we are still pretending that Cuomo is a good guy in all of this?

Wagner has been one of my favorite composers for a long time. That being said he was terrible person by not just our standards, but the standards of decency for a few decades now. However his worldview wasn’t that unique for the time he was in.

So the Germans would have us believe. 

Thank you for my new screenplay idea. 

Mentioned it in a thread the other day. Enjoyed Terminator Salvation in the theater and even bought the blu ray. Haven’t watched it in years because I don’t want to ruin that joy in retrospect. 

I remember enjoying it in the theater and I even bought the blu ray. I’ve avoided watching it again to preserve fond memories. 

I understand that i deal with this kind of stuff. But the employee probably had the idea ingrained in the. Some fear throwing even a little leeway, or like at my employer there is actually a time limit on making any exceptions. So only unless the customer ask for a supervisor/manager or they reach that x time limit

At chain retailers there is a financial incentive for certain people to terminate employees with cause. A hardass could argue that penny was cause.