One of my earliest cases at my current employer was dealing with this. If a drawer is off by three dollars or less it does not require an audit. It was a know policy just so employees wouldn’t waste time being too anal over a few cents.
One of my earliest cases at my current employer was dealing with this. If a drawer is off by three dollars or less it does not require an audit. It was a know policy just so employees wouldn’t waste time being too anal over a few cents.
“Being There” the Beto O’Rourke story.
He’s the Denver Broncos of motor sport for me. If the Broncos win the Superbowl (as long as it’s not against my preferred team) I am completely content if not happy with that result. That is Dixon for me when he wins.
Bradley being an asshole and coming up with a new hot take is nothing new.
For a good deal of history and non fiction I usually order the paperback first (and annotate it) or Kindle it and keep a notebook for all my thoughts. Almost any novel I Kindle.
“The Fountainhead” is the one bad book I refuse to give away. I do not want to subject anyone else to its terribleness. Normally I’d give a bad book to my church’s yard sale, but not this book.
Sure the tank didn’t run him over, but by all accounts he suffered a 9mm brain aneurysm as a result.
Has Microsoft given an update as to when Flight Sim will come to Xbox?
At ISU Monical’s was weird because every other student I interacted with who was from Illinois but not Chicago/suburbs wanted Mondial’s and I had no interest in it. Not bad pizza, just was never my preference. That also may be because I found some good local Blo-No places.
^This. Lou is the best for one thing that sausage patty delivery vehicle. There are many better pizzas out here in the area, but when I want that Lou sausage it is what I want.
But when is Disney+ giving us a new “Howard The Duck”?
Or so the Germans would have us believe.
No update on Flight Simulator is disappointing.
On IR stuff for a realist theory it’s the solution I’d come up with. My mistake took out your great city, I will pay a penance and give you my great city.
I rewatched Strangelove during the whole self isolation. I liked it more than the first couple times I watched it , and still think it’s a great film. However I fully understand your comment.
You are (the President in “Fail-Safe”) giving up what is viewed at least at the time as the true great city of the U.S. and the Western World. D.C. is the capitol of the U.S. because of the politics of the time in the 1700s. Moscow was the capitol of the U.S.S.R. because it was their great city and was their symbol of…
I would love to see that production. It reminds me of the Cuban Missile production Martin Sheen was in where it was produced very much like it was on the theater stage, and got the interactions of the players right through that. As opposed to “Thirteen Days” which I think really nailed on the production the military…
Just watched “On The Beach” the other day after meaning to watch it for years. I loved it. It’s an amazing story set against a depressing backdrop and an even more depressing ending.
Having worked for a Congressman I always appreciated John Lewis and on the one time I met him he was one of nicest men I’ve ever met and is generally concerned with how you are, and if you have a problem he wanted to know how he could help.
Just thinking of the top of my head is using Larry and Leon (J.B. Smoove) to expose the double standards of laws on the book.