Kevin K

Ben Mankiewicz did the last TV interview with Reiner and hopefully not the last with Brooks. Them being two WWII vets they were talking about going through tough times and coming out of it. What I loved from both is in the age of Corona the fighting spirit is back for them, and they acknowledge despite all the

I went into a bdubs once because it was the last sit down place open. Slow night order my usually order which is just the medium honey bbq wings, and some of the new (at the time) buffalo with a couple ranch.

You mean my salmon Parmesan recipe is bad? That explains why no ever talks to me after I serve it.

This is why I love my go to breakfast place they remember my little eccentricities. Two things of grape jelly for my sourdough, Tabasco with the order, and the times when I’m ordering a skillet they remind me if I forget to ask for no mushrooms.

I fully believe that Nolan would have no idea who Styles was before casting.

I’m all for removing Confederate stuff, but this is where I start to raise my line come for Lee I am fine, you come for Grant I’m not.

Finally an excuse for Fallon to combine his day drinking with his work. 

What your saying is it would just be Chris Evans and myself at 2 am having incredibly boring conversations?

Early after college I was offered a decent job for the on site investigator job for a trampoline park group. What was weird was it was salaried for the job. I learned that’s because their investigator works 6 1/2 days a week handling all their shit. Turned it down. Pay was good but not worth all the stuff. 

Leaving work everyday I pass a Charles Entertainment Cheese, and everyday the lights have been running on that operation with no one in it. Today after hearing about the bankruptcy I felt a little sad know that was the CEC I spent many a birthday party playing the Star Wars arcade game there being gone for the ages

My biggest issue is 30 mike mike from an Apache kills any of those dinosaurs. 

Beat my reply. Family Video always owns the strip malls they do business in so they get rent from future tenants. I know in one area I’m frequently in the family video has a Jimmy John’s next to it that does good business and is paying that good rent rate. 

What if we are just in a dream of Corona? But inside another dream

I appreciate the idea of adding a forward into the movie. As someone who has become a student of film history I have been meaning to watch this for years. but just haven’t.

So I’m one of those guys who gets NASCAR Heat for free because somehow Amazon thinks I’m a good reviewer for the games. So I’ll predict right now the same thing I’ve said for all the releases “Meh if you have an Xbox 360 go get the predecessors game series (I think ‘14 cause it has Kyle Busch (terrible) on the cover)

Batman: Mask of the Phantasm

Uhm ah go fuck yourself. 

My understanding was that everything was great other than that for $60 you got four hours of game play.

Well I guess care for those two fucks now. 

Also addendum that was the week I had Pizza Hut, and found it utterly disappointing.