I still miss the 1/3 pound burgers they had.
I still miss the 1/3 pound burgers they had.
Uhm if I’m looking for some midnight beef, it definitely ain’t at a butcher shop.
So I went to get some Colonel last week and tried the new fries, not great.
If William Westmoreland could get to four stars that answers your question.
So this is what Norm was tweeting about.
Where we fighting? I’ve been locked up for eleven weeks I’m ready to go.
My friend was in it. Still haven’t seen more than ten seconds of it.
Bermuda Triangle disappearances are really just Orcas leaving no one alive.
Put rum in your kid’s capri sun.
My go to since college (when it was a hangover cure) is going to McD’s getting the sausage mcmuffin, hashbrown, and large Dr. Pepper. Put that hashbrown on the sandwich and bam wondrous. Plus it only cost three bucks plus tax.
Huh? Did you really enjoy the other post shitting on you?
Yea that’s one of the few historical what ifs I always wonder about which is just “what if party bosses ran a semi clean convention in 1912?”
“He was otherwise lucky electorally, somehow garnering the 1936 Republican nomination despite getting half as many votes as competitor William Borah.”
Watched the Godfather last night and I’m going to watch Part Two tonight.
I found Andrew Garfield effective in his first Spiderman. In the second one I didn’t find him effective.
My local underground club is finally back and just the other day I saw Johnny “Switch Back)“ Johnson eliminate (maybe with extreme prejudice) Vinny “The Unfortunate” Vanilla in the ring.
The Stroncatura it’s made of people!!!
“The title comes from the motto of Joseph’s real-life unit, Street Crimes, which was disbanded in 2002, largely thanks to an internal investigation that unearthed years of racial profiling”
The only “Relic” I know of takes place in the Field Museum.
The one with Sideshow Bob.