Kevin K

To be honest I feel like it was the Crackle episodes that soured him. He spent hours with comedians that he enjoyed and then it was edited down to 12 minutes. After that he can’t really call up someone and say “hey I really didn’t like how our earlier product turned out lets redo this”

Now I wish the Air Force had blown up the moon in the fifties so we could have been spared this.

Or so the Germans would have us believe. 

Or so the Germans would have us believe. 

I’m reminded of the time Norm Macdonald had him on his podcast (which you can’t access because Netflix won’t let the archives out) where Fred did a lecture on how to do a joke. He offered a few ways to read a line and then the correct line. 

I hope I am the not only person with zero interest in a Snowpiercer series. The film honestly was meh, and a series is supposed to expand on that meh?

I think it’s like the other coverage is the new management only allows reviews of series finales, and what is paid for reviews. 

That’s pretty much what I thought, but also the goat’s thinking “this is what we are trained for listen to our god the four legged fast fellow.”

Vettel coming into a team, would pay for all the other cars at that team. 

I’m still waiting for a remaster of all GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas.

I thoroughly enjoy Tompkins, but am I the only one who questioned after watching “You’re The Worst” if he was just being himself in that?

On the topic of cancelling SNL, the seasons where cancellation were close are what people claim to be their favorites. Which I think is more of people liking the later projects of the stars of the time and then saying “oh yeah they were great on SNL”.

His house is probably outside Cleveland. 

There aren’t actually 535 members of Congress. The House for most of a session will always have a vacant member or more. Currently there are 5 vacancies. 

I’m not in favor of a pervasive Austrian building up a regime that can tour the Netherlands. 

He’s no Richard Donner.

YES is a terrible band, and I don’t know how anyone ever liked them. 

For me it was based off his acting. The vibe he seems to give off is that you can’t ever trust the honesty of a scene he’s in. Always thought when watching Spacey “hey there’s something hiding here”.

Lies. Marty Funkhouser did not meet Seinfeld until he told a very off color joke to him on the set of the Seinfeld reunion.

ah forgot about Barry, I do enjoy Barry.