In my years I’ve found I am incredibly smart when it comes to a couple of subjects.
In my years I’ve found I am incredibly smart when it comes to a couple of subjects.
It seems Jalop has gotten to the point of bitchy eye grabbing headlines.
Never watched so I cannot judge.
I enjoyed Westworld season one, and to a point 2. I also enjoyed season 3 to a point. Now however it reminds me of my thesis on the “HBO Effect” for tv series.
I loved watching Lynch just trolling with his football skills.
Oh I accept that he is a great driver, and in F1 I think he was more a victim of circumstances when it came to teams he could be at. But he was never a Championship contender, and has no idea what it would be like to be a Grand Prix winner or in the running for Championship.
I think Ron Dennis’s no bullshit approach also helped clean Prost up.
I have no quibbles with Brundle the tv commentator, but I’ve always disliked his Sky column and it was made clear to me why several years ago when he wrote (paraphrasing):
Hey AV can we get rid of the fake “Dr. Liz”? It can’t cost much time or cash to just cut that name and avatar off.
“God, some of the dialog in this feels like it was picked up in bulk at the local Cliche-o-Mart. Caleb, talking about his time in the Russian civil war: “It was anything but civil.””
I enjoy sharing the greatest joke of all time, it’s about a moth:
New AWOL album out today. It’s good, that’s what I’ll say.
Jokes on you Marky Mark will be high laughing at you.
My country club actually has doors that cover the whole stall. Maybe that’s why my fees are so high?
Williams right now is selling off its stock. They’ll be back, but if the season doesn’t start by Austria I don’t think the Williams will be involved in the team any longer.
Really glad to see Hayden Christensen got some work at the end of this episode.
Wow Fallon is showing his drinking habit on camera now.
How about just scrapping the whole series?
I think McMurray might come back for one more season, just because he knows how to work with the sponsors really well, and after this they will want a known quantity.