Kevin John

Wohoo! Middle school nights and weekends well spent!

Yeah, I think the best fans of other armies can hope for is games like Dawn of War that include space marines AND other races. A stand alone game as Orks or Eldar or Tau, or even the Imperial Guard are just not as marketable.

Short of the Necron part, you just described Space Marine pretty accurately. The game was short, but satisfyingly blood-thirsty and fairly original with it's gameplay.

It's good to see some chapters other than the Ultramarines and Blood Ravens getting the spot light in a game. Now I just want to see a tower defense type game featuring the Imperial Fists.

Unless they deviate from the standard Space hulk script and decide to have the Deathwings fighting their fallen Chaos brothers instead of the Tyranids or something; they didn't actually show any baddies in the teaser.

I had some performance issues with it that made me stop playing. Running on a system that can handle much more demanding games with ease, it still felt choppy and unresponsive. I love 40k, but the latest space hulk game just wasn't cutting it for me.

I wouldn't be so mad if he had been playing poker on an android device; but since it was iOS I find this to be indefensible!

I think his was the only story line that didn't get wrapped up with the Serenity movie. Was he an Alliance Operative? Why did he leave? How did he leave? How did he become a Shepard? What sins did he commit, and could he ever be forgiven?

Hmmm, I think you misrepresented the content of those articles to some extent.

Well, you sound so certain about all these things that I am confident you are now going to provide me with some kind of a link to instances of Silicon Valley conspiracies, doctors manipulating medical school graduations and immigration, and of course, the allegation that started it all: H1b workers getting paid less

Man, maybe the lack of cheating in my college classes was more atypical than I thought it was. Or maybe it's just really hard to cheat in physics?

I have not launched any ad hominem attacks; in fact, since I know nothing about you other than what you have written here (which is what I responded to) I am completely incapable of doing so.

You asked a question, and you got a response. That should make you happy, not angry. If you didn't like my response you are free

Ok, stop and think about what you just said. You took your anecdotal experience at a single university and used it to extrapolate a trend across 'many public institutions.' Why would you do that? You assume that since they don't care enough about the material to learn it deeply that they have to be cheating to pass

Your premise is fundamentally flawed and based on an unsupported assumption. I'd say it's much less likely that these subjects are more grade oriented than other subjects; and much more likely that these are the subjects that are generally considered to be harder, meaning people are more likely to get lazy and cheat

Does this mean you don't think that H1B employees are currently paid less than their naturalized couterparts? Only that you expect them to be paid less in the future? If you do think they are paid less now, can you provide any data to support that?

I don't buy your second argument either. Wages don't rise past the

Fair enough; I have had contradictory experiences though. I've been involved in the interview process for a few PhD level hires, and we've always interviewed people from the US and from abroad and offered them the same starting salary; even though people from abroad required a little more administrative support with

If you haven't already, I highly suggest dabbling in the open source hardware fields. Get yourself an Arduino or a RaspberryPi and learn to use it. Experiment with the various sensors available on sites like Sparkfun and Adafruit. Think up simple projects that you can build over the course of a weekend. If you get the

I keep hearing this argument; but I haven't seen any evidence yet. Can you provide a link that shows companies paying H1b employees less than naturalized citizens in the same position? It hasn't been my personal experience that this is the case, but maybe my experience is atypical.