Kevin John

Step 1) Install the Linux distro of your choice.

That’s it! 

I just scrolled down to see where he ranked the A-Wing and then stopped reading. His ranking of the A-Wing rendered the rest of his rankings invalid. 

Yeah, I agree that it shouldn’t make any bit of difference if the attach some religious or superstitious value to that place. However, I think they could easily re-frame the argument in completely secular terms and it might change my position. If they were arguing that it was just a very scenic spot and they didn’t

It’s not techno-phobia or a lack of understanding of technology and economics; and I am saying this as a professional automation engineer. Automation is neither the boogeyman nor our deliverance. Its just a tool, and a tool that eliminates low paying repetitive jobs to drive down the costs of the goods and services

I kind of get why they did this. The average prison guard couldn’t tell a python program that calculated Pi to a million decimal places from an AI that was designed to take over the Prison. They could see a prison coding and panic. Its not a GOOD reason, but I get it. 

Oh please tell me they will create an online poll for the new name so we can all flood it with suggestions for ‘Crashy McSky Tomb’ or something like that.

Okay, part of me wonders now if the REAL prank show wasn’t supposed to be about pitching a show this deplorable to a bunch of Netflix executives and watching them freak out, but then they unexpectedly gave it the green light.

My vote is (and hear me out on this)

Star Trek: Holo-tales

Where every episode is a stand alone that takes place in the holodeck, probably in Victorian England or the Old West or something with costumes, and it has absolutely NO star travel of science fiction in it. It’s basically just fucking Downton Abbey light.


Costco usually has a coke vending machine. Just make sure you have $1.00 in cash and you can get a cold coke and walk it over to the food court.

Here in the united states, we have a slightly different looking ‘motivator’

So....they’re boycotting an establishment that refuses to serve them in the first place? What is that supposed to accomplish?

How shitty is the design of these Kiosks that they allow this? Why are these devices even connected to the internet? They should be able to talk to the jail’s local server that facilitates their commissary balance and gives them access to a mail server. They shouldn’t be able to even talk to any other machine.

The first species to encounter the Wookies were the Trandoshans, and their language isn’t exactly speakable by humans either.

What kind of mechanical failure forces you to leave the thing that it EASIEST to drive on?

Just to play devil’s advocate a little here: Tech companies COULD and maybe SHOULD just spend a little time developing encryption/security approaches that did have these kinds of back doors and present them to Congress and the general public with the security problems introduced by the back doors plainly visible.

I don’t see what law the US could enact that would cover this. This is what happens when we have corporate entities are effectively stateless. The only way we could possibly hope to reign in this kind of activity is to have an international body that jurisdiction over these kinds of cases; but what nations would

Yeah, but lets take this with a grain of salt. I mean, if women refuse to work with EVERY director or producer that sexually assaulted someone, it won’t be long before males no longer get 90% of the directing and producing gigs in Hollywood. I don’t think anyone wants that.

Probably the same way they do it on existing cabs where they just have a barrier between the front and back seats. There’s not that much value in keeping the front passenger seat available, and why re-invent the wheel, right?

Um...the car STOPS and you get out? Remember how cars are NOT hurdling through the air miles from the ground at hundreds of miles per hour?

Seriously though, do you really expect that in the event an autonomous car has a failure it will matter if there is a human behind the wheel? Do you think a human is going to

Just spitballing here; but there’s a good chance Uber has information about the booker’s social media accounts. Post the video, tag her account in the video, and shame her friend into giving the money back? Maybe there are privacy concerns here I haven’t considered.