Kevin Irmiter

We don't like blacks, or Hindus

I'm not surprised it didn't. I think there's been a backlash among movie aficionados, though. It happens a lot—you have a decent movie that most of them probably would have been indifferent about, or maybe even liked a little. But then it gets all this acclaim, usually more than it deserves, and then people wind up

I'm not surprised it didn't. I think there's been a backlash among movie aficionados, though. It happens a lot—you have a decent movie that most of them probably would have been indifferent about, or maybe even liked a little. But then it gets all this acclaim, usually more than it deserves, and then people wind up

It really helps when the documentary feels like it's giving the opposition a chance to speak its mind. This is one of the things that makes Roger & Me such a stark contrast to Michael Moore's later documentary. In that one, you really see that he's giving the executives and politicians a good opportunity to speak, but

It really helps when the documentary feels like it's giving the opposition a chance to speak its mind. This is one of the things that makes Roger & Me such a stark contrast to Michael Moore's later documentary. In that one, you really see that he's giving the executives and politicians a good opportunity to speak, but

As an adult, I find Snoopy Come Home to be waaay too heavy on cheap sentimentality. The way they play it off so sad, when you know things aren't going to end that way. There are a lot of great parts about it, though.

As an adult, I find Snoopy Come Home to be waaay too heavy on cheap sentimentality. The way they play it off so sad, when you know things aren't going to end that way. There are a lot of great parts about it, though.

@avclub-52daa17a306006563a5361c316f87c7b:disqus is right. Those references will be dated before it even hits theaters.

@avclub-52daa17a306006563a5361c316f87c7b:disqus is right. Those references will be dated before it even hits theaters.

@avclub-ab5266a567015c1fa88e4cb37ae91f51:disqus unfortunately, they made Halloween II too much like Halloween to ever make something like this acceptable. If they had just made every movie totally different they could have maybe gotten away with it, but once you make a sequel that has the same characters and a

@avclub-ab5266a567015c1fa88e4cb37ae91f51:disqus unfortunately, they made Halloween II too much like Halloween to ever make something like this acceptable. If they had just made every movie totally different they could have maybe gotten away with it, but once you make a sequel that has the same characters and a

Don't forget you also have corporations and media providers constantly kissing your ass and bending over backwards to give you everything you want because you are their most coveted demographic for advertising!

Don't forget you also have corporations and media providers constantly kissing your ass and bending over backwards to give you everything you want because you are their most coveted demographic for advertising!

Obama did do a pretty good job of keeping his concrete promises in 2008. If you go down the things he said, one by one, he did fulfill almost all of them at least partially. But that's not what people remember. What people remember is the big promises—that things would change, that the economic problems would get

Obama did do a pretty good job of keeping his concrete promises in 2008. If you go down the things he said, one by one, he did fulfill almost all of them at least partially. But that's not what people remember. What people remember is the big promises—that things would change, that the economic problems would get

Seriously, though, I don't think the money was the main reason that people voted for Bush. They voted for Bush because they didn't like Gore, and part of it was the media's fault, but mostly I think it was just a totally mismanaged campaign. I remember from the start of 2000 they were going on about how the goal of

Seriously, though, I don't think the money was the main reason that people voted for Bush. They voted for Bush because they didn't like Gore, and part of it was the media's fault, but mostly I think it was just a totally mismanaged campaign. I remember from the start of 2000 they were going on about how the goal of

Yeah, but those people won't listen to him anyway. The people that the Democrats need to reach out to are the true independents, the people who maybe didn't like Clinton as a person and thought the Lewinsky affair was sleazy and wrong, but still acknowledged that he did a good job. Obviously there were people who felt

Yeah, but those people won't listen to him anyway. The people that the Democrats need to reach out to are the true independents, the people who maybe didn't like Clinton as a person and thought the Lewinsky affair was sleazy and wrong, but still acknowledged that he did a good job. Obviously there were people who felt

What's great is, it works on both levels. On the one hand, Carter was a pretty lame president, and you know that it would be disappointing at best to have a big statue of him put in your town as this big event. On the other hand, "He's history's greatest monster!" is just ridiculous.