Kevin Irmiter

What's great is, it works on both levels. On the one hand, Carter was a pretty lame president, and you know that it would be disappointing at best to have a big statue of him put in your town as this big event. On the other hand, "He's history's greatest monster!" is just ridiculous.

I think the problem here is tone. I think what Rabin is saying is pretty much on the money, but it should be said with more sympathy and less snark. Stoller may be a depressing pit of despair, but he's a nice and likeable one.

I think the problem here is tone. I think what Rabin is saying is pretty much on the money, but it should be said with more sympathy and less snark. Stoller may be a depressing pit of despair, but he's a nice and likeable one.

@avclub-2a6ac9e5324952e36b40237cf2fcdad8:disqus This is a indeed a very common misperception. I even knew a Japanese girl who refused to believe me when I told her that not only did I not own a gun, but no one in my family even owned one as far as I know. I've never even held a loaded gun in my hands.

@avclub-2a6ac9e5324952e36b40237cf2fcdad8:disqus This is a indeed a very common misperception. I even knew a Japanese girl who refused to believe me when I told her that not only did I not own a gun, but no one in my family even owned one as far as I know. I've never even held a loaded gun in my hands.

I didn't find most of The Majestic terrible, although it was pretty trite and cliched. The nostalgia for the pre-TV film industry was really thick, too. The only really bad part was the ending—the whole idea that McCarthyism was something that everyday town folk knew was bad becuase of their common sense was just

I didn't find most of The Majestic terrible, although it was pretty trite and cliched. The nostalgia for the pre-TV film industry was really thick, too. The only really bad part was the ending—the whole idea that McCarthyism was something that everyday town folk knew was bad becuase of their common sense was just

That's certainly part of the problem, but by no means all of it.

That's certainly part of the problem, but by no means all of it.

I remember this movie being on a plane, looking at the cast and directors, and thinking it would probably be good (this is an international flight where they give you a little TV and you can choose what to watch).

I remember this movie being on a plane, looking at the cast and directors, and thinking it would probably be good (this is an international flight where they give you a little TV and you can choose what to watch).

He has said he's not going to do these forever, although he hasn't decided when to stop yet. I suspect, though, that it will be before the panda rape episode.

He has said he's not going to do these forever, although he hasn't decided when to stop yet. I suspect, though, that it will be before the panda rape episode.

Damn, I loved this show. I remember it just blew my mind when next door neighbor Sam left his wife in a way so abrupt that it seemed like a one-off joke… and then he really never did go back.

Damn, I loved this show. I remember it just blew my mind when next door neighbor Sam left his wife in a way so abrupt that it seemed like a one-off joke… and then he really never did go back.