I swear, even though I know what she's saying, every time I hear this I hear "dress up like Hitler."
This project looks really cool, and I'm not gunna lie, I would play it in a second, but let's pretend a comic book creator developed a team book for a major company, then went off to form his own studio, maybe working with some of his past collaborators, and then developed a "brand new" team that was, for all intents…
All things are acceptable with Sir Patrick Stewart.
I see great potential here, and that is praise not easily given.
I'm not gunna lie. If I can get myself a handful of great demos, I'll just keep them with my machine forever. I was a bit surprised to find out PS3 timed out so many demos (and doesn't provide a handy warning like Nintendo).
That's not Perry, that's some secret agent in a cool hat...
While she makes a lot of good points, and I agree with the general premise, she does seem to miss a rather big point with Spelunky here. True, there isn't a long history of presenting male characters as helpless because of their gender, but there is a long history of presenting homosexual characters in this kind of…
You want a longer image? Click and drag. XKCD has a history of breaking down perceptions.
It's not a comic, but this seems like the best place for it... listen to these gamer-inspired poems... especially the first one.
If your personality, feelings, attitude or gripes ever become part of how you present yourself professionally, you are not a journalist.
Say wha- ?