
Because they are Thubanians.

Now playing

I swear, even though I know what she's saying, every time I hear this I hear "dress up like Hitler."

This project looks really cool, and I'm not gunna lie, I would play it in a second, but let's pretend a comic book creator developed a team book for a major company, then went off to form his own studio, maybe working with some of his past collaborators, and then developed a "brand new" team that was, for all intents

All things are acceptable with Sir Patrick Stewart.

I see great potential here, and that is praise not easily given.


Now playing

I'm not gunna lie. If I can get myself a handful of great demos, I'll just keep them with my machine forever. I was a bit surprised to find out PS3 timed out so many demos (and doesn't provide a handy warning like Nintendo).

That's not Perry, that's some secret agent in a cool hat...

I cannot stress this enough - when you leave one of the partners behind near planted Pikmin, they pluck them without you wanting them to.

I'm enjoying the game so far, but I have one complaint about something that is bothering the heck out of me...

While she makes a lot of good points, and I agree with the general premise, she does seem to miss a rather big point with Spelunky here. True, there isn't a long history of presenting male characters as helpless because of their gender, but there is a long history of presenting homosexual characters in this kind of

Is it wrong that the internal soundtrack in my head wants to finish that up with:

Apropos of nothing... I wish this was a real thing.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, more games need to have split-screen multiplayer and ignore online play.

You want a longer image? Click and drag. XKCD has a history of breaking down perceptions.

I love these infographics, but it is driving the continuity-freak in me nuts that they keep using the wrong costumes (and some incomplete information). For example, Wolverine did not wear the costume in the infographic until 1980. In 1974 he wore the garish number I posted above.

If your personality, feelings, attitude or gripes ever become part of how you present yourself professionally, you are not a journalist.

Taiko drum! I love that game!

Say wha- ?