That was the first thing I thought of too. Thanks for posting it!
As a teacher, here is the issue I see: most class discussions are lead by women, most school elections are dominated by women, and yet after high school - and this is just from my own perception - there seems to be a lot fewer women in positions of power.
I had the same thought (and on the flipside, I had no idea Grave of the Fireflies was Ghibli).
Great interview! Sad to here about the lack of interconnectivity... but I have an unrelated Kotaku-style question:
Speaking as an admitted Nintendo fanboy, I usually pick up each system from each generation - unless there's too much baggage. And in this case, there was no way I would've purchased an Xbox One, even if I'm a fan of Fable and enjoy the odd Halo multiplayer.
Color helps immensely!
As long as I responded to Generic Title, I might as well respond here too.
Speaking of casual vs. hardcore, as someone who uses Smash Bros. as a gateway game for non-gamers.... I'd love to see the Blue Shell brought to this game. Seriously. A new player just has loss after loss after loss, then suddenly spawns with a blue shell in hand (much as the Smash Ball did last game)... it wouldn't…
Wii U is online almost all day everyday, but it does not have to be. At home, my Wii and Wii U often get messages and updates from Nintendo, but when I take it to school to play with the students, I don't need to worry about getting a connection - we can just play games.
Say what you will about hardcore vs. casual, these games get people playing.
Conclusion: We need more Waffle Houses.