
An excellent collection! But I came looking for this...

There needs to be more video games with ninjas kidnapping politicians. Hilarity will ensue.

This video goes a lot further into justifying and explaining issues of violence against women - disturbingly so.

Exactly. The last time I enjoyed a sports game it was NFL Blitz or, my all-time favorite, Arch-Rivals.

Is there anywhere I can watch the full presentation?

I was trying to play Mario with a 5 year old the other day, and it was a struggle for her. I think she'd really like Nabbit, especially with his (its?) character design.

Go, dog, go!

Well, I'm sold.

I feel asleep!

They have genders, but most Moloids demonstrate very little sexual dimorphism (with the notable exception of those showing up in Incredible Hulk #1, 2011 series).

I loved the idea of Hyrule being a massive, expansive world (to a scale never equaled, even in newer Zelda games). I loved the magic system (and would love to see Link become a mage again - fairy-sized link is bad ass). I even loved the story. At a time when most video game sequels had a repeat of the first game,

See, I knew I wasn't alone in this. When I go back to play a non-polygoned Zelda, this is usually the one I play.

I don't know what's so keen about points A or B... I'd rather be at point D. With my axes.

I knew I recognized it! Thanks!

I like it and it looks familiar... but what webcomic is it from?

I agree with the article entirely. I'm all for games having maturity, but there's something to be said about having a piece of art that we can show to non-gamers as a piece of art without having to qualify it with "but there's also insane amounts of blood (or cursing, or nudity...)"

Dang it. I saw the headline and thought you were hiring.

Watching it, I couldn't help but think of some of Kaufman's more manic performance-pieces. Parts seemed genuinely disturbing - possibly as purposeful commentaries on what happens when a comedian "sells out" or is pressured to meet expectations of whatever is currently trending.

Girls or guys... why is this not already a thing?!

This is beautiful. If they could bring back the Rescue Rangers game while they're at it, I'd be a happy camper (well, more than I am already)!