
Additional counterpoint- it’s ok to only pay for beer and wine. I ain’t payin for everybody’s shots. Unless they’re the opening shots in the war against late-stage capitalism.  

He faced ichiro 118 times. The only walk was intentional

As a defense atty (with a lot of DWI experience) I’m incredibly skeptical of the .40 reading. If they got that off a breath test- the chemical solutions used to calculate BAC thru breath tests are all calibrated to measure .10 (or .08) BAC accurately- they’re not designed to accurately measure these high BACs above

So I went back and reread the original deadspin article- and I still don’t see willfulness at least not in what’s listed there and in the suit. Willful in this context doesn’t just mean intentional- it correlates much more strongly to repeat. So it’s not just that they knew about their pay practices and the FLSA-

(Speaking as someone who does this for a living)