Bad Kev


If by "track-capable flappy paddle" you mean "super old torque-converter-style automatic" then yes... You'd be correct.

They hell is the matter with you?

Man.. "New Mustang Day" on Jalopnik is almost as bad as "New iPhone Day" on Gizmodo.

I'm by no means a Mustang enthusiast.. but I'm actually kinda sad to see the live axle go. It's the end of a long era.. an era that represented simpler times.

Point taken.. I've kinda learned how to drive with torque-happy vehicles.. I also learned how to drive stick on a first-gen CTS-V...

Yeah I understand..

Am I the only one that is thinking "meh" when they see these?

"But don't get the wrong impression here. I am definitely a pussy..."

As mentioned above I've driven several 2nd-gen CTS-V's, LS3 Corvettes, and a 2010 GT500. Conditions were in Dallas traffic with a few open-stretches-of-road blasts through a few gears.

I've driven lots of 2nd gen CTS-V's, a couple of LS3 Corvettes, and a 2010 GT500. Not once was I worried about driving into a pole or a parked car.

You could just say "Penn State" there.. We all know what you're talking about.

I honestly mean this in no offense, but this sounds like it was written by someone who's never driven a fast car before.
"I was scared driving in stop and go traffic because if I let the clutch out too fast all six hundred and whatever HP would rocket me into the car in front of me."
Are you serious dude?

BLEH.. Still at work and can't listen. I NEED TO KNOW HOW RARE!

I could stare at that forever.

"If you're driving you're lorry and you smash a LaFerrari, you're gonna have a bad time."

The shot of that throttle body was sick!