Did you get hit with the "I don't have good taste in cars" stick?
Did you get hit with the "I don't have good taste in cars" stick?
I'm not the biggest fan of Top Gear USA by any means, but am I the only one that thought that was really cool?
I can't think of a lot of other situations where this gif is appropriate, but here it works perfectly. Respect.
I freaking love this show..
Repost fromitalianator on Gawker.
Thank you Captain Hindsight! WE LOVE YOU!
It tried it's best to catch fire there at the end..
It looks like they followed the sign perfectly.
...The only reason I came to this article was to suggest that. Freaking destroyed the brand with that ugly front.
That last shot with the heat trail is freaking awesome.
That's a big point that I haven't seen brought up. AWD only deals with one aspect of driving your car out of three. The turning and braking thing are not aided with AWD, and braking in snow is FAR more important than accelerating.
That Cowboys fan looks pretty happy for getting absolutely destroyed by the guy standing next to him. Must be hammered.
It's always sad when these guys don't get hurt in accidents but innocent people do.
First of all.. you missed my point. *facepalm*
And a Lamborghini is less of an "obnoxious look-at-me-mobile"??
I actually really don't like the H2's... (I do think the H3's are cool though) I just remember driving one a while ago and I was actually impressed.
2009 H2 Hummers are actually worth a lot. It was the last year they made the thing and they made a lot of changes in 2008 to make it really nice. They changed the whole interior, brakes, transmission, wheels.. among other things. Not to mention they only made like 500 of the things in 2009 so they're very rare and…
Well it's British, right?