1988 Rap Music

If you told me 10 years ago that Hearthstone would be at the center of a huge, international diplomatic storm, I would’ve said the same thing I’ll say today: What is Hearthstone?

Running the ball to eat clock, then quickly snapping before the 2 minute warning is something Andy Reid would be proud of.

I’m sure Angelo will be happy to hear from your fake fan ass in the morning.

This is the dumbest take possible.  You should be ashamed.

Are you even allowed to coach if you’re that handsome? Rowr. 

Now playing

So one day, this old lady calls me—by the way, I met her later, very good looking for her age, not a pound overweight, very beautiful—she tells me the portions are too small. And I tell her, “That’s a terrible shame. That’s really a shame. I know Dave Thomas. I play racquetball with him all the time. He cheats all the

S.T.A.B. - Smile To make it All Better

On Gizmodo, 60% of the comments are saying bike riding shouldn’t be political.

“Dikembe, please confirm that the money I sent was received.” - John Podesta

I tried to tweet Dikembe saying I didn’t believe him but he blocked me.

Relatedly (I think), it always seems disingenuous to me when those called out in their *official* capacity disemble by pointing out that other problems also exist in the world based on actions taken as private citizens. Protesting government (which is what Kaeps is doing) serves a function that would not be served by

I believe it was Lenin who said, “Here, take this shit and you’ll be, like, wicked strong and able to run really fucking fast.”

Maybe his post has been on hold all this time.

Who Gat

Query: Had the alleged victim been Coach Jones’ daughter, would Bowles had still been castigated, battered, and assaulted for “betraying the team”?

With $75 million you would think that he could afford a car with four wheels.

Dear Popular Mechanics,

“Fine, Chip. We’ll make sure it’s a White Christmas.”