Now playing

Found some video of Baughman after losing the match:

...he’s begun cleaning house, from Loria’s son-in-law David Samson up at the top to guys like Andre Dawson, Jeff Conine, Tony Perez, and Jack McKeon

We were the Phoenix, which is pretty good, but weird to pluralize. Go Phoenix! Phoenixes? Phoeneces?

“This makes perfect sense.”

Or worse, unfiltered tap water

Or a fancy dog, for that matter.

It really was a solid tangent.


Update: they’ve acknowledged the graphic had the wrong flag, but for some reason refuse to change it!

+1 relevant username

Fraud or not, Mavis Beacon for life!

She’ll be at a press conference later today apologizing for her behavior.

Mother!: The Karen Pence Story

Verrit code: 5102702

Plot twist: this is from yesterday’s game and Cueto is following Pablo Sadovol.

Plot twist: this was from yesterday’s game and Cueto was actually following Pablo Sadoval.

Danny Snyder Donnie Trump pretending to be Mr. Football a competent businessman and politician and meddling in everything just to prove something to his dead daddy. No thank you.

Perfect username for this comment.