It's a backlight.
It's a backlight.
Can’t do anything like that with a Veyron anyway. When it needs new tires, you mortgage your fifth and sixth homes and VW AG flies out a team of engineers to remove your wheels and take them back to Michelin where they undergo NDT and new tires are laminated onto them again.
I’m typically a late adopter. I buy the games that outlast their hype when they go on sale, and I buy the consoles when they’ve shrunk down and become quieter and more stable. I don’t have a PS4 yet, but I’m excited about the PS4 Pro because it represents a new kind of maturation of a console, but I don’t really have…
See how much space it saves?
See how much space it saves?
No, you jump from restoring the interior of your ‘68 Impalla to fabricating a new transmission tunnel for somebody’s $6,000,000 Maseratti, or from changing your Miata’s $80 radiator to changing the $9,000,000 engine on a $60,000,000 Boeing 737. People make leaps in their careers and dreams all the time.
Certainly not, but what of the less skilled builder who has work to aspire to? A friend of mine restores and maintains vintage race cars (for millionaires, but he’s more of a thousandaire), another friend repairs watches and centuries-old automata (also for millionaires). Eventually they want to build something of…
Cool, more employment for skilled builders and mechanics?
When a piece of ice slides off the propeller of a twin engine Q400 in the 30° of arc or so in which it could encounter the plane, it has enough energy to puncture the fuselage (but that’s why they use anti-ice). A fan blade is spinning much faster and is much heavier...there’s nothing to suggest a fan issue here. The…
Fanblades have a lot more energy than what caused the damage here, and there’s nothing greatly upsetting the abraidable shroud—at least not to the scale as the inlet.
I believe the time out dolls are meant to serve as a display for baseball caps and other swag. Baseball caps, as we all know, serve as a socially excepted form of tagging or filtering. For example, “I too support that team you love,” or, “I like pissing off liberals.” But the doll can display keychains and buttons or…
Current BMWs are all 30 feet of styling on a 15 foot car.
The best solution is the take the open lane that is about to disappear and match the speed of the traffic beside you.
If it wastes the “advantage” of the open lane you have, and the opportunity to cut ahead of lots of traffic, then think of the benefit it brings to everyone else:
So you headline with an Italian car?
I don’t think an extra indication on the dash is the answer. The old way with lit-or-not lit analog gauges was idiot proof. It needs to be impossible to drive in compromised visibility with your headlights off.
I too have a Miata. It has plenty of power to pass, merge, thrill, misbehave...
Well sure, and if you had set forth weight in the criteria, I’d have said even a 2,900 pound car was too heavy for me to buy into it.