
All these would help, but until we end the drug war and civil forfeiture, law enforcement will not stop harassing citizens.

A general average overall majority of trust doesn’t mean that there aren’t localized pockets of deep mistrust.

I see what the problem is here. It looks like you made a Jem and the Holograms movie that doesn’t look like fun. Now, this is a pretty serious case of the downers, so I’m gonna recommend you bury this around the fall or early winter, then hope you get your $50 budget back, somehow.

“Hack” to describe doing anything.

Have you wondered what it’s like to get fucked by the Apple Watch?

then show me all the people that die falling off these buildings. just because you dont see the reward/risk ratio of the thing doesnt mean it doesnt exist. it just means you lack understanding others points of view. i wouldnt do this shit in a million years but i get the allure.

the rise of automation in general is going to make less jobs necessary. this is the nature of change and progress. the “if” in the equation is whether society chooses to embrace this change and evolve into a society that uses this to make a scenario where people have to work less to survive and devote more time to

8) They Will Try To Get You To Mate In Extremely Weird Ways


Ha, I replied to this already and then read your comment. You pretty much said what I said and we both were on the same page in thinking of the ‘silent cowboy’ from westerns. It’s the archetype that he’s based on that makes Fett cool, not his armour.

When they went to the house in the country and were chopping wood all I could think was “are they ripping off the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie”?

Anyway, Ultron is born and “murders” Jarvis

Except we know there’s no such thing as Apple in Star Wars because people are shown repairing their equipment themselves, not sending it off to the manufacturer and waiting two months.

“But if you were wondering whether the droids could get any cuter, the answer is, yes, if Apple got involved.”

Apparently “cuter” means taking away all personality and making it a cold, lifeless piece of metal. But it has Apple logo! It’s the best!

Now playing

I’m probably going to be seen as on the wrong ‘side’ here, but I really do have a fundamental issue with the idea of chunks of land being locked up for ancient religious purposes.

As mush as I hate the prequels, the overarching plot was the best part. The Emperor designed a plan so brilliant that no matter which side won, so did he, and since he did it inside the current accepted system the Jedi had to help him bring the plan in to fruition! Great stuff. Execution of the movies though was

I remain a wet-blanket skeptic: we’re basically saying that you can literally fly by yanking yourself up by your own bootstraps. If someone can come up with a reasonable explanation to this that’s backed up by measurements, I’ll be happy.

They’re advertising prices per kilo to orbit that are an order of magnitude more expensive than SpaceX, and are still more than ULA, ArianeSpace, etc. That doesn’t sound like slashing costs to me.

Does the octopus look at the photographs? Is there any notion that the correlates pressing the button with capturing the image of what it observes? If so, then yes, this is a remarkable thing. If not, it’s no more impressive than the chicken at the county fair that always beat me at tic-tac-toe.

Right, but you can't 1) require all cyclists have a license or 2) demand that they not ride on the streets because they don't have a license. Cycling is easily accessible to everyone. Kids, old people, drunks without licenses, people with low income, everyone. These people need to get places. Most cities prohibit

Also, to elaborate that. How about you drive your car through a shopping mall. Oh wait, because that's illegal and can kill people? Right, well, riding on the sidewalk is not permitted for cyclists - hence the riding in the streets. Share the roads works both ways. People like you are the cancer of America.