
Only when it is beneficial to their _very specific_ agenda’s... Any other time, it quickly devolves to one of 3 points:

Perhaps neither Abrams nor Johnson should have been hired to direct a Star Wars film.

The show is dark and full of errors? Ehh????

Actually, no. That was the offense she was granted clemency for. Given that she cannot be tried again, she had no Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate herself in front of the Grand Jury. She tried to invoke it anyway. THAT’s why she is in the Federal Penitentiary. The Fed’s don’t have jails, cities and counties do.

Fuck off.

I’m disgusted, this money could have been spent on football.

It’s refreshing to see someone to be talking about the actual causes of housing inflation rather than just blaming “NIMBY’s” and lack of housing.  Yes, before you angrily respond, those do play a part.  But the main driver is an area flush with ungodly amounts of cash.

Automation is going to happen. There’s just no way to stop it, not should we try to. As a society we do need to have plans in place for supporting affected workers, though. 

It’s one of them Freudian slips, where you say one thing but you mean amother......

- Accepts full responsibility for what he said

Noone gives a shit about Gizmodo.

That’s not a Pomeranian. It’s a fully grown lion. It just looks like a Pomeranian next to him.

Release more malware to fight the existing malware!

But he isn’t actually committing murder, and the guy applied to be a subject on the show with Derren Brown like everyone else does. Brown doesn’t just pick a person at random: he’s pretty frank that his shtick doesn’t work on everyone. He’s also done other shows about how mobs act which resulted in a crowd of people

Should’ve been “No puppet! No puppet! You’re the puppet!”

Love that Star Wars: Rebels reincorporates a lot of McQuarrie’s work. Most notably, Zeb in the crew bears more than a passing resemblance to early concepts of Chewbacca and their droid, Chopper, looks like early R2D2:

It’s a crime to lie about it to the FBI and Congressional committees, and to ask the head of the FBI to drop the investigation, then fire him when he doesn’t.

Phil Spektor (convicted murderer) produced the classic Beatles album Let It Be (among many others). Is listening to that album ‘repugnant’ because of his involvement?

The Tumblr these are taken from, Liar Town USA, is hilarious. It's super-filthy, but the creator, Sean Tejaratchi has immaculate design and layout sense and really gets the tone of whatever he's parodying.