
Simpsons did it.

Why did they decide to let EA and DICE develop it in the first place?

Yes, logic says the Diesel in the excavator would have worked great in a truck..that's out of Diesel. I guess siphoning gas wouldn't have looked as cool on Youtube...

...also inspired me to do this. Dali Llama.

So are elevators heavy machinery?

Good question, but the answer is likely that since this technology, once widely adopted, will undoubtedly result in a major drop in highway MVA related morbidity/mortality, it should allow users to hand off pretty much all driving/navigating responsibilities to the computer/central computer system. Then we can all

L u m o s i t y — Luminosity is something else entirely. (iOS link is correct; Android link goes somewhere else.)

Totally sick of PC's breeding FPS after FPS after FPS after FPS. Are developers for the platform not capable of creating a AAA title of another genre that works via pc? Or do they just choose not to? FPS are fun and all, but a bit played out at this point. Good game or not.. shooting things in first person has

Pulp Fiction - suitcase

Firefly always wins everything because their fanbase is rabid.

I think most of it is because that oatmeal guy read one book about Tesla and now has a PhD in being right about early 20th century industrial history.

I think the lesson here is that if you like Nikola Tesla you agree with everything Glenn Beck has ever said

Seven characters who were saved by the fans (for a movie and some comics, at least). :P :

It's not Kotor 3. It is still not what I want.

Wait... was this patent granted (it was filed 09/05/12)? This is a perfect example of bullshit patents that should be laughed out of the US PTO office. It needs to be rejected if it wasn't already granted.

the bigger point is that this is patent has the potential to save people's lives, it would be like someone inventing a superb fire extinguisher that was better than all else on the market and then patenting it... oh well we allow it on the medical device/drug side so I guess this isn't that much different.

This sounds like a great system to use an excuse to bust down someone's door. Just make it so the NSA or FBI can trigger it remotely and then they have just cause, no warrant needed.

Should Apple be able to patent something like this? Where would we be as a society if every innovative thinker made sure no one else could compete??