
No apology necessary, I get it. I'm an aquarist as well, and it pains me to see fish treated as disposable decorations rather than pets. Can you imagine if somebody did the same thing with a kitten or puppy, dooming it to death within a few weeks? Unfortunately, not many will ever realize how analogous that really

Here is the thing: who gives a shit?

Business exist to make money. Every single automaker is praying that Tesla wins, since it will allow them to open more direct from manufacturer stores and cut out franchise groups. Franchise groups that don't actually offer VALUE.

People who lose their jobs, I don't care. I am in

Dealerships have spent decades building up a reputation for being scumbags. Their underhanded tactics to nickle and dime every last cent from you during a sale is revolting enough, but today they are tacking on ridiculous fees such as "Delivery Fees", "Lot Fees", "Advertising fees" and so own so that you find yourself

Lance: Why did you turn?

Yup, every time, I would rather walk a mile then hand the keys over to some valet. I trust no one.

This is exactly why I NEVER give my cars to valets. Here's how that situation ALWAYS plays out:

If only just a few more people had bought them, I could say Kizashi, but...

Cops...all the animosity, they really have done it to themselves haven't they?

My grandpa just owned up to it at his bingo game last night. He said it was under 40 degrees out and his brakes hadn't warmed up yet. He also suspects the guy at the Jiffy Lube was using an analog tire gauge and that there was a 1.5 PSI difference between the tires, hence the clear pulling to the right.


Vertical video leads to car wrecks

If it is a PSA they should add that IF you are going to film your kids while driving to do it in landscape mode.

Why did he turn?

Whenever it happens, the chances of someone pulling over to help out a LEO getting the shit kicked out of him on the side of the road goes down just a little.

I'm not saying that the guy shouldn't have received the ticket, but the cops are just being what they always are....dicks.

Pontiac Aztek because tent

Communism is a heck of a racket.

His biggest crime was having this shot in portrait mode.

They are protecting and serving the shit out of us.