
Doctors are notoriously shitty and unhelpful towards obese people and often refuse to acknowledge their non-obesity-related illnesses until said non-fat illnesses reach a crisis point. My guess is these people have sought medical advice on these cysts before and been told “lose weight first.” And thus the cysts grow

My wife discovered these videos and since that day we’ve spent many happy nights going down Dr. Pimple Popper rabbit holes, cringing and laughing and generally marveling at her videos and her presentation. I have this theory that she, like me, loves popping bubble wrap and decided this was as close as she could get to

There is no subtext.

If Yoda can just show up and make lightning bolts, why doesn’t he appear on the bad guy ship and lightning bolt that fucker? And also, why didn’t what’s her name warp speed slam into the bad guy ship before they took out like half of her people?

Can we finally maybe talk about how ballet is UTTER BULLSHIT and the whole thing is just some French dude’s 300-year-old fantasy about controlling a woman’s body? Because I mean seriously. The starvation, the de facto foot binding, the crazy positions (which cause chronic muscle problems), the systemic abuse and

I don’t understand how Gretchen Carlson has escaped criticism for her race baiting and reading sexist talking points when Megyn Kelly is still (rightfully) getting heat for her BS. It’s kind of weird.

It’s like setting up a vanilla self-serve soft ice cream machine in a prison camp.

From a Venn diagram point of view, the intersection of the group A) Beauty Pageants Should Be A Thing, and B) Sexual Harassment Should Not Be A Thing, is exceedingly small, and might in fact only include Gretchen Carlson. If you add group C) Racism Is Still A Thing And Needs To Stop, the intersection becomes the null

And black women everywhere threw up in their mouths. We keep talking about things that need to die in 2018, here’s one the Fox fembot rehab tour. Why are people so quick to forget and forgive the bullshit she and her fellow partner in slime Megyn Kelly pushed for years? My god. Hey white women you still have work to

I honestly thought he’d already resigned. Interesting that he’s being permitted to “retire”.

The same thing happened to me. When I gave up trying to please men and only wanted to please myself. I found my husband when I became my genuine self, a crazy woman who drank, swore and carried tools around in her car. One night I got pissed off at him and told him I never wanted to see him again. We were supposed to

I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a message board dedicated to him, so wide was his net and so deep his oceanic need to play out his inner bullshit on others. Of course, he circled back a year later with his tale of woe and regretful eyes. But I just shrugged and said, “No thanks.” High fived and was out. Because

I came here to say this exact same thing. Thanks for posting this, because it mirrors my experience almost exactly, and my opinions about self love and owning who we are AS WE ARE. (Also, ten bucks says your Shitbag and my Shitbag are cousins.) Bless you, and good on you.

There are worse things in this life than missing out on romantic love. I have said this to young women before. None of them believe me. But it is true.

I fell in love at 37 and married at 40, and I have no advice. I still have no idea how it happened for me, other than right place, right time, and couldn’t begin to tell anyone else what to do. I’d been alone forever, and it I got lucky. But I can’t judge someone who is alone at 40 or 50, or beyond. Because I know how


Aimee, you get it! Your last paragraph sums it up beautifully.

Yep. Plenty of people in relationships or married are more alone and isolated than single people with friends who like them.

This hit home. The details of my situation are different but I, too, have faced the realization that a long-term romantic relationship might just not happen for me, even if I do everything ‘right.’ It’s taken my head to some weird places, including a bizarre nostalgia for a bygone era (the 1930s-40s, I guess?) where I

Why is everything so binary?? Left/right, good/evil, Democrat/republican, white/black, in a relationship/alone... I never understood the notion that if you’re not with someone you are “alone.” That verbiage.... to be alone.. makes ones situation sound more bleak that it actually may be. I occasionally check out this