
No shit words have meanings, which is why bourgeois assholes co-opting and sanitizing someone’s non-mainstream livelihood/lifestyle, and its terminology, is so fucked up and so befits the historical definition of gentrifying, which relates to unhealthy class aspirations and adaptation of social behaviors to fit the

I really hope at some point we’re going to have a national discussion about how literally all competitive sports organizations in this country have become sick, voyeuristic, dysfunctional messes that commodify and destroy lives, bodies, and brains so that the masses can sit in their armchairs and watch young people

Unless you are a professional sex worker who knows how to do this shit properly, stop with the jokes and half-hearted copycatting. It’s sad. You’re sad. Leave this to the pros and stop gentrifying literally everything.

The UK wage gap is brutal and so, so real. My anecdata:

This article is a gross oversimplification. Sam Rockwell’s “arc” is only a tiny part of the backlash.

Let’s all celebrate a wealthy white guy who was born with obscene advantages and privilege, and whose “uncommon” intelligence is no different to the brilliance of millions of other sharp kids, except that his rich parents were able to send him to fancy schools, and whose writing ability is no better than thousands of

...And his millions and millions of dollars.

Yeah, so I have family and friends in France, and I’ve spent some time there. I pretty much do the opposite of whatever any French woman tells me to, especially if she’s Parisian. So far that policy has worked out extremely well for me.

Fair point, but it is an awards show, so arguably these are the finest actors, cinematographers, musicians, etc... And I’m pretty sure they’d all call themselves artists. I guess my point is, regardless of their skill level or bullshit quotient, they are representing the artistic community and can and should be held

Missing but important factoid:

He doesn’t have PTSD. He was pulling shit like this for years before he ever joined the military. He beat girlfriends, cut the brake lines on a school bus, and a host of other stuff. I know combat vets with PTSD. That’s not what this is, and Sarah’s assertion is just further proof that she’s a shitty person, and a

Artists literally make a living from “speaking their minds” and “contributing to the well-being of mankind.” That is literally the purpose of art. I make my living in the arts, and I always expect artists to be at the forefront of any just cause. Because it’s right and fair, and one of the main purposes of our work,

Doctors are notoriously shitty and unhelpful towards obese people and often refuse to acknowledge their non-obesity-related illnesses until said non-fat illnesses reach a crisis point. My guess is these people have sought medical advice on these cysts before and been told “lose weight first.” And thus the cysts grow

Can we finally maybe talk about how ballet is UTTER BULLSHIT and the whole thing is just some French dude’s 300-year-old fantasy about controlling a woman’s body? Because I mean seriously. The starvation, the de facto foot binding, the crazy positions (which cause chronic muscle problems), the systemic abuse and

I came here to say this exact same thing. Thanks for posting this, because it mirrors my experience almost exactly, and my opinions about self love and owning who we are AS WE ARE. (Also, ten bucks says your Shitbag and my Shitbag are cousins.) Bless you, and good on you.

I studied under Dr. Jones and found her to be one of the most brilliant and meticulous scholars I’ve ever met. She’s also a wonderful writer. Can’t wait to read this.

Gonna need that Clooney story STAT.

Todd Palin (the father) had a mysterious “snowmobiling accident” a few years back where he busted a rib, broke a leg, and had serious internal injuries. But the snowmobile was fine/still in the garage?

So I have some wine and brandy glasses that belonged to my family (in England) that date back to the early 20th century. They are definitely half the size of contemporary ones. Three important reasons:

I mean, #MeToo and all, but it has to be said... there is a whooooole lotta reckoning coming for some toxic women in the workplace. Because for every ass pinch or promotion pass-over from a Gross Office Dude, I got at least two hardcore flashbacks of a female supervisor traumatizing me with verbal abuse and body