Keva Rosenberg

(the difference is because men and women metabolize alcohol differently, mostly due to lower amounts of water in women’s bodies compared to men)

If you give up that right, the rest of your rights fall right along with it.

To be fair the anti-gun lobby has a massive hard-on for “assault rifles,” when the vast majority of gun deaths are committed with handguns. Perhaps if they were more genuine, focused, and intelligent in their intent the pro-gun people may be more amenable to their proposed solutions.

“Mass shootings like this are largely preventable.” There is no definitive list of number of semi-automatic weapons in the US, but the estimates are close to 10 million. If they became illegal tomorrow, estimates are that over half of those would be sold under the table for cash, not turned in for free to be

Also on ABC in the 1970s:

I love that guy ducking out of the way right at the end of the ramp.

Can’t watch at work, but if this is video of Evander Kane knocking Cooke out, many thanks.

It seemed for awhile that Manic Hispanic was opening for every punk band performing in LA. Good times.


I mostly remember Katarina Witt for being in a magazine my dad had.

Adam Deadmarsh!

But was the National Anthem playing when he stood?

A Jewish friend and I are eating at a greasy spoon in Central Illinois. The waitress lets us know how great the ham is. My buddy states that he’s Jewish and doesn’t eat pork. Her reaction: “My goodness. You don’t eat ham? What do you do for Easter?”

Congestion is a major issue, and unless/until every vehicle on a given road is autonomous, the capacity of a given street won’t change much when self-driving cars hit the road. Even if Uber’s self-driving car is an EV, if its adding to traffic problems on a road, its also adding to pollution unless every car on the

He kinda looks like Ted Williams.

Greatest non-ironic beer ad I’ve ever seen. Thank you for that.

I have a rule against no longer ordering pizza place wings. I’ve had my heart broken too many times.

first football game, first kiss (doesn’t count because it was part of a play but still), first beer, first love (unrequited), first Metallica concert, first cigarette, first pube, etc.