Keva Rosenberg

Brings me back to my dorm days

That was the go-to move at my favorite bar in college when there was a line for the men’s room.

Dan’s from Philly. I’m going to go ahead and guess he’s been to the Vet, which means he’s almost definitely peed in a sink before.

It saves water too!

I’d just step on his feet. That’s what the old scouting reports say to do.

a single tear shed for Dalton here. PAIN DONT HURT.

Now playing

The impossibly cool Celine Lee “Sayonara Sucker” feat. Dale Watson

My dad is the crazy one in our family. Turkey, Ham and Chicken and Noodles. He always complains about making 3 main dishes, but he does it every single year. And I’m not complaining.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that roasted Brussels sprouts are the best vegetable dish.

Roasted brussels sprouts are the most underrated vegetable dish in the galaxy.

13 lb beef brisket going in the smoker at 3 am. Probably stumble into some whiskey during the cook.

For sure. Whoever came up with boiling sprouts should be in prison.

A well made dish of Brussels sprouts is one of my favorite things to eat in the fall. A poorly made dish of Brussels sprouts makes me want to elbow drop the table like I’m at a Bills tailgate.

For the second year in a row I will be making a roasted Brussels sprouts dish because it is the most underrated vegetable and pairs ridiculously well with all of the rich thanksgiving staples.

I’m on the family’s side here. Split pea >>>>> navy bean.


I’ve been losing weight slowly, but steadily, over the last several months just by eating FAR less than I used to. I was also walking the treadmill pretty regularly, till Destiny 2 came out :/ But even after stopping, I’m still losing weight - just a little slower. I had a horrible habit of snacking when I was bored,

George Clinton and Air Dog

Me sharing my review of the Pope Lambo