Keva Rosenberg

Cycle is powerful, indeed- their influencers influenced you to write this article, without your even knowing it.

Not a “bean.” Didn’t hit him on the head. You even state so in the article.

Do the eye gouge you turkeynecks!

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This tribute is not complete without the great parking lot brawl between Lawler and Eddie Gilbert. Lance’s “I’ve got a little surprise for you” is gold.

Like a lot of folks, I imagine, my favorite Lance memory comes from the Lawler/Funk Empty Arena match when he’s wondering if it’s even going to take place. He casually lights up a smoke while going over a contingency plan with his cameraman. Just a little bit of realism to set the scene for a stipulation that had to

“Brain, look. It’s the best ever- Lance is here!”

This team is so sketchy that they’ll probably incur two losses to Trinidad & Tobago.

Let me introduce you to the wonder that is Pollo Campero - one of the greatest fried chicken chains in the world.

El Pollo Campero offers both the grilled and fried.

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Memphis brawls are the best. Here’s one with Morton/Gilbert vs Onita/Masa Fuchi with Lance on the call in 1981

Yep, Lance and Gordon. They made the shows.


Gordon Solie was great. Even though the gist of his commentary was:

The ARROGANCE some people have, right?

Who would have known Ron Rivera was a WWF wrestler...

idk probably for the same reason they call car chases in movies “car chases” instead of “scripted car movements designed to look like a chase”????

Wow that was terrible- why did I watch the whole thing?

Holy shit I would be dead if there was a case of beer for 5 bucks anywhere near me.

“No, it’s not born in the Rockies, but it’s brewed with rocks!”