Keva Rosenberg

I’ve developed sacroiliac issues in my advanced age. My chiropractor gave me a bunch of stretches to help, and most of them are for keeping my hips “loose” for lack of a better term. They seem to help out a lot.  I’ve also started doing other stretching while I’m at it, and getting limber is quite a workout in of

These child abuse jokes are getting kinda old.  I think we need to switch it up a bit.

You need to add a “PAL” in there somewheres.

I suggest watching Doctor Strange on a very strong edible. ‘Tis a wonderful cinematic experience, especially the part when his fingers grow hands whose fingers grow hands, etc.

The hand part is 100% correct.  And also don’t forget to “mind the step-children” aka play with his balls.  Gentle tickling/stroking goes a looonng way to hurry things up.

Amateur sketch?!? That looks EXACTLY like a crackhead who got a hold of the wrong stuff.

For a second there, I thought he was hit with an 12AX7 or maybe an EL34.

I’ve been to that Reptile Farm too, and played against that chicken.  For a 9 year old kid, that place was fucking great!

It looks like some government bureaucrat or politician didn’t get their taste.

You fucking savage!

Viva los Doyers, pendejos!

The fact that California doesn’t tax lottery winnings blows my fucking mind.  What the hell is going on here?

I call 16th pick in his guitar collection.


I self-identify as a 5 month old with mad typing skills, therefore I won’t be getting one.

Overhead kick, eh?

He doesn’t looks like he has the makings of a varsity athlete.

“Body Talk” by Ratt reminds me of “The Golden Child” and how it takes place is a really weird alternate universe where Eddie Murphy can kick the shit out of one of the saltiest of all salty motherfuckers, “Judo” Gene LeBell.

This.. This right here is why I loved, continue to love and will forever love, the sport of professional wrestling.

I bet that is more divisive than discussing politics at the Thanksgiving table..
“Hey sis, remember when you threw away all my wrestling/MAD magazines?”
**Pier 6 Donnybrook ensues**