
Yup. People trying to convince everyone they aren’t stealing being sued by people trying to convince everyone that they aren't taking advantage of a ridiculous intellectual property system.

You can argue the stories aren’t quite as intricate and focused or whatever, but Skyrim and basically all the games being mentioned do in fact have distinct endings. You can stick to the main quest lines and get there relatively quickly without getting bogged down in side quests.  You just have to do it rather than

Local demon suffers PTSD after man dressed as Doom Slayer walks by their house. More at 11

“We apologize for not allowing crossplay. Unfortunately, our gamers are too busy playing our vast library of first party titles instead of the same shit that’s on every other system.”

I aspire to have that level of Don’t Give a Fuck someday.

You know that every single person pissing and moaning that they won`t buy it because of the first person perspective will be in line with their hard earned cash the moment a few positive reviews come out.

I tend to draw a line between Bethesda the game company, and Zenimax the litigious parent company. I don’t think Bethesda really cared about those issues, but the parent company’s lawyers sure did.

Ever since Bethesda gave a crap about making good games and not sucking off their corporate

I don’t think you’re reading this right. The matter is simply that people have a right to make a game and people have a right to criticize the shit out of it. No one has a first amendment right to sell their game on Steam. We as a society have a right to find something abhorrent and turn our backs on it. This isn’t

I think that is patently false. The same argument rages in sports. See a Deadspin conversation about advanced metrics and analytics. Purists will always eschew math in favor of feel or instinct, others will like to create metrics that allow comparison across several empirical dimensions. This does not prevent

I’ve got fewer categories overall, but there’s often a higher rotation in them:

1. The (Current) Main Event
Whatever’s currently eating up most of my time. Occasionally games from other categories might also occupy this spot. This is where your Witcher IIIs, your Final Fantasy XVs, or anything else that’s considered

So...get team-shot to death faster? (And respawn faster?)

Except those hardcore players are right. It’s not their fault you have more responsibilities and can’t put as much time in. I would say I’m somewhere in between casual and hardcore and while I wanted the Outbreak Prime in D1, I didn’t get it until maybe a year ago but it felt great getting it even if it was way after

I’ve got news, this isn’t how it works “now,” this is how it’s always worked. Athens, the ancient birthplace of democracy was notoriously corrupt, riddled w/ perjurious citizens and catering to the rich and powerful. We’re just carrying on a grand tradition.

The odd thing is that your reply to “dsxghdfj” makes complete sense to me without further context. Maybe I’ve been on the internet too long.

I’ve been posting on Kotaku for like 7 years. I’m always here.


In other words, you felt peer pressure from a game and now want all of us to peer pressure gaming companies into making game that doesn’t peer pressure you back?

That’s an awesome response. This guy clearly knows subtlety!

I would shit purple glittery bricks if Phantom Crash were re-released. I loved that weird-ass game.