I know people seem to love these interactive movie ‘games’ but I don’t, wtb something to actually play...at least the ps3 games are pretty solid
I know people seem to love these interactive movie ‘games’ but I don’t, wtb something to actually play...at least the ps3 games are pretty solid
not sure if its a repeat, but it’s been on sale for <$5 a couple times (is why I own it), psure it got an article on kotaku in the past as well (searched, and turns out there’s quite a few of them). imo its the best of the lineup
hasnt kyoto burned down like 3 times in the last few hundred years?
the unpopular opinion is the one that gets shouted loudest, psure you’re in the majority this time
niether is destiny...
Sharon from trails of cold steel, supermaid+complete badass
for what they turned Aion into...never again NCsoft, never, again.
I used to play mmos with a guy who would do exactly that, usually it’d just get some laughs or lolwut?’s, but occasionally some dudes would just flip out “wtf is wrong with this fag?” type stuff.
your post seems a lot like rational thought...I’m on the internet right? wtf are you doing here?!
I assume any person, male/female/other that I meet to be a nongamer, if you are the stereotype of ‘gamer dude’ than I will still ask you “you play games?” do you know why? because no one likes assumptions, so don’t make them.
...wonder what they’re gonna do for the console port, even with heavy aim assist the game plays wayyyy too fast for a controller, might work with a ‘snap to nearest target’ button or something, looking forward to this.
...Persona 5 is an atlus game you know
helm of saint 14 instead of ruin wings?! /missed opportunity
I can’t really think of much ornamentation on the stuff made on earth: the stuff you get from vendors, it’s all pretty simple.
I loved the twist, imo the best one I’ve seen in a video game, but at the same time, I didnt really like any of the characters or the combat, so when my underleveled party started getting their asses kicked I just quit without finishing the game
...I actually think that right after TTK was when crucible latency was at it’s worst, vanilla had the most severe problems when latency was an issue, but overall it was an issue less frequently, TTK cut down on severity, but drastically increased frequency, HoW is the best it’s been, but by then it didnt even matter…
/shrug, to each their own, for the record though, that EDF game has like 90 missions, there ends up being...around 20 or so enemy types, not including unique boss types, the draw distance is also really far, usually things get too small to notice instead of disappearing (there are also quite a few super long range…
I am super happy 2 EDF games are on there, <3 japan
because it is the most over the top ridiculous fun tps ever made?
depends on the game, try playing skyrim/oblivion on a ps3/360, having a 30+ second load screen every time you go through a door is painful