Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! <sniff>
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! <sniff>
The issue BioWare has, is not their graphics. They have to win back the fans who used to look to them as one of the few remaining bastions of good Western RPG story telling, after the disastrous Dragon Age 2 (game was still great and better than it was received, for the record, but still had a lot of flaws that turned…
Can't wait for this. I just hope they realize they need to scale back the story and do something smaller. Trying to out-do the Reapers in terms of scale will only end in silliness, and ultimately subvert their impact in the original trilogy.
I'm all for a new Mass Effect game - but I'm nervous it could be some kind of MMO persistent world junk. The scene with the seasons changing makes me think that could happen and that The Old Republic just led the way. Maybe the fact that The Old Republic pretty much failed would steer them away from that, but still...…
no christian-rock intro theme?
"According to quantum theory, matter can in fact can interact at a distance with no observable exchange."
It's a well known fact that the Nazis drank water from little flasks with the words hate, war and murder. The war was over when their water was taken away from them.
Aaaaaahhhhh! I hate that fucking movie so much. I got about 15 minutes into it and started to wonder why none of the commentators were credited. So I got on the good ol' internet and discovered it was because they were all doctors of theology and whatnot in a movie made by a cult! And for years I have been hearing…
Yeah. The motivational speaker that owned my cosmetology school loved this shit. He said that is you write "bad" words on water bottles (hate, war, murder) then it will freeze weird and be bad. But if you write "good" words (love, happiness, titties) then the water will freeze into beautiful crystal structures!
I've never heard of the book or theory in question ("water has consciousness"), but it sounds as if it's some sort of outgrowth of Homeopathy, which posits that massively diluted substances still have therapeutic effects.
"The water in my glass is very negative today!" Paltrow says as she sips her organic, grass-fed water.
This was all a big thing a decade ago when this movie came out. IIRC, the premise of the movie is that basically, you give yourself cancer by thinking negative thoughts. Because science is a mythical unicorn creature.
I have a friend who has quoted this very "doctor" and this selfsame book to me multiple times. She is a wonderful person but she does a lot of drugs.
It's always the quiet ones!
Just don't sleep with it, like Egan.
I think Paltrow has figured out that modern fame is not just about people who love you, but those who loathe you as well. It's endless free PR and no one works harder to keep you in the news than your haters. People don't go on the internet to write nice things so I'm sure through the convoluted economic structure…
Kinda like this stuff?
Remember this the next time someone in the fashion business spouts a bunch of nonsense about why they won't start a plus-size line. "The shapes are different!"