
Why is it that the "expected physique for the role" is only ever expected of women's roles? Joseph Calleja is beloved at the ROH, Bryn Terfel has been loved with all of his weight fluctuations. Tenors (especially) and baritones are never criticised for their weight. Why does the physical aspect only matter for women?

I am in love with 1995 Rust Cohle, not Matt McConaughey, but 1995 Rust Cohle... sigh... mesmerizing.

Maria Callas.

Terry Pratchett made the new owner of an opera house being forced to put a thinner, prettier woman into the spotlight, vs. the heavy one who could actually sing, as a major plot point in one of the Discworld novels. All the old school opera people were saying "it doesn't matter if she's fat, this is opera!"

You and me both. That woman is barely big enough to sing Wagner roles.

Did these critics get offended by Pavarotti's appearance? Guy was fat.

Isn't the stereotypical opera singer a fat woman with like, viking horns? Why is anyone, anywhere surprised at a fat opera singer?

I watched the show with my boyfriend and kinda felt like I was cheating on him in plain sight.

Morticia and Gomez are one of the best TV couples ever. They're just so into each other, it's awesome to see that on a show from an era where couples slept in twin beds (!).

Will oblige.

1) I'm a little surprised Hiddles didn't rank higher? I would put him in the top 15!

Uncle Joe only at #23??!!?

Patrick Stewart is everybody's Space Dad.

There's something just so incredibly comforting about Kyle Chandler.

100. 1995 Rust Cohle

This is the finest most comprehensive list I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Bless this.

I swear to dog I scrolled down through this whole list just looking to see where Patrick Stewart would be and my heart actually started to pound at about 10 at the idea that you guys had left him out. I am so sorry for my doubt, however short-lived.

I scrolled all the way to the bottom looking for actual Jon Hamm. I must say...I'm quite disappointed. :(