
Recently, all of the Star Wars games on Steam had some fairly large discounts thanks to a certain film having been released last weekend. I plan on making my way through Republic Commando, (some of) KOTOR II, and throwing in a few rounds of Galactic Battlegrounds for good measure. I miss the early 2000s. Remember when

This is great stuff, Mark, and I totally agree.

When I was five years old, the PS2 had already been out for two years. Wait, I’m probably not helping. Sorry!

For a long time, I didn’t play video games. It wasn’t an intentional move, but it happened. I also found myself in a 90-100 minute long commute to and from school, and I’d spend that time catching up on the sleep I didn’t get the night before. It used to be that I’d rush home to play video games. But going to a prep

I vaguely recall Cliffy B talk about wanting to make a video game about cats. It seems like SWERY’s taken up the mantle in his stead.

I forgot to add the /s

Whenever people say that the internet is cancer, I think of things like this and am reminded for its immense capacity for good.

The matches between Dendi and OpenAI have to be seen to be believed. You could tell that the crowd was getting super antsy throughout them.

It might be time to shift to the Easy Allies Podcast, easily one of the best podcasts in the gaming biz. It’s co-hosted by Kyle Bosman and Brandon Jones, two of the most honest and insightful games commentators I’ve ever heard. Plus, it’s fun and funny!

You’re pretty much right on the money, bud. It certainly captures the terror of Battle Royale really well. In fact, I wrote a blog post about just how well it captures that feeling.

I agree. But, I think, there are only so many resources that a company can devote to remastering an old PS2 game, albeit one that came out at the end of that console’s life cycle. I’m not saying that they’re necessarily justified for making a “lazy” remaster, but I think their hands were tied a bit here. I believe

It’s not so much “notoriously uninteresting” from a pop perspective, but I’ve seen a lot of game commentators note that it’s not exactly the best start for a game like Skyrim. You are totally inactive, forced to look to who you’re speaking to (and the game’s pretty bad faces and facial animations), ignoring the

Great article, Heather!

I know people will be cracking jokes and complaining about consumerism and stuff... but those dumb plastic ships look really cool and I love buying stupid little collectibles, so I’m interested.

The pricetag was probably the reason why I never got to use those, looking back on it. Although this was like ten-plus years ago so I don’t really know how effective those NVGs were back in the mid-2000s. Still, if I’m ever in the mood for living out those childhood dreams, I’ll definitely check them out!

I remember when, around a decade or so ago, the Microsoft Game Content Usage Rules came into effect. A lot of fan projects got shut down because of it but rarely did Microsoft ever actually do it themselves; it was more of a preventative measure made by those who wished to avoid legal conflict. I hardly recall any

As someone who loves Splinter Cell and considers them (or, at least, the first three) to be the very pinnacle of stealth gameplay, for shame. I used to spend so much time back in the day just watching Sam Fisher flip those goggles down and then put them back up. Just flip them down and put them back up, flip them down

Oh my God, Factorio looks like the micromanagement game that I have always wanted but feared because I know I’ll waste so much time on it. But it looks so pretty and I’m always a sucker for these types of top-down/isometric art styles and look at that train and those animals and the sprite animation, oh my! Looks like

I’m no market analyst, but it sounds like a response to Andromeda to me. Maybe they want to make sure this one is more polished up before they release it to the world. Do we know if this one is being made by Montreal or Edmonton?

Hey Patricia, great article! I agree with you on the - oh, wait. You’re not Patricia. Dan, you’re stealing her headlines!