
I hope you're right.

In-universe it's already established that lightsaber combat was based on ancient schools of swordsmanship.

Was really sad to see the same thing happen to Evil Genius (Evil Genius Online on Facebook). I loved those games before this.

When it comes to pen and paper RPGs though, "puppies" are fun to play with even if they are noobs. Alpha Gamers (and their subspecies, like Rules Lawyers and Min-Maxers) are far less tolerable.

I didn't have an Xbox but if I recall, Halo 2 almost single-handedly proved online console gaming and Xbox Live's viability.

Happens to me a lot too. I worked all the way up to the last chapter of Assassin's Creed 3 when it came out and didn't touch it again until late December, when I was gifted AC4 and realized I should probably finish and uninstall AC3 from my hard drive.

Oh, shut up.

Unbelievably misleading; evidence of this is in the comments. C'mon Kotaku, step it up.

Also needs to have staff waiting to sucker punch/clothesline guests as they round a corner to go to the restroom. Bet you miss that third person camera now!

Yes... feel the rationalizations flow through you...

508 Resource Limit Reached.

Apples to Apples is family friendly and the original concept that CAH was based on. The rules are identical.

One hell of a project for a two man team, yeesh. Good luck to them both.

What... are you disagreeing with me about? I liked how accurate TLoU's weapons were. (didn't play Uncharted MP)

2012 game.

Ah, yes. Her stomach wound that I'm pretty sure ceased to exist after about 10 minutes.

Not sure it has anything to do with women in particular - 2013 got called "year of the bow" because the marketing of AAA titles like Tomb Raider, Crysis 3, Assassin's Creed 3 and BF3 all featured bows.

I think Naughty Dog did a great job with the guns in that game, in terms of making them feel both powerful and difficult to use. That last part might just be because I suck at shooting with controllers.

edit: oops