There was already a limited matte black/black 3DS. I have one. Took me forever to find one, though - wish it was a standard color.
There was already a limited matte black/black 3DS. I have one. Took me forever to find one, though - wish it was a standard color.
Ahaha. A couple of years ago a Japanese literature class I was in did a whole bunch of readings on "authenticity" of Japanese food. So much politics. There are the weird additions like avocado and cream cheese and mango... but generally it just isn't authentic if it comes from outside of Japan.
Never mind that most…
You can never rule it out, but in this case there are better and more effective ways they could have handled it.
The problem I have with MSG is that it's a cop out. You said pho so let's use that as an example - MSG is no substitute for a good beef bone stock (just my opinion but it actually detracts from the flavor in this case), and it is almost always obvious when someone has used that magic sodium powder to flavor their…
I take some issue with "avoid overly processed foods" not because it's wrong, but because so many people don't even understand what that means.
Not ruling out Destiny for PC (likely given their evasive answer) but there isn't enough info out publicly for us to really know. For all we know it could be talking about licensing middleware.
Yeah. If he had gotten serious then I'm afraid those two guys might have spontaneously exploded.
Shouldn't they already have been compensated?
There is eventually a hard limit on how much you can Super-Train a Pokemon (not sure because it's just a meter, but I suspect it's total number of attribute points trained), but it takes a long time to get there.
For a moment I thought the game was called Spacehouse, and got really excited for some reason.
Unfortunately the sub-$100 version you linked omits the numpad, which is a deal-breaker for me. Any high quality keyboard I buy has to be able to do anything I need it to do, which means non-gaming work tasks a lot of the time.
The Bodum Bistro B. makes excellent coffee, but in my experience the build quality is kind of shoddy. I eventually switched over to one of those single-serve pod Keurig machines just for the convenience, but I haven't gotten rid of my Bodum.
The NPC premise can potentially be very interesting (Recettear), but the trailer doesn't really do much to sell me on the gameplay.
It looks to me like what Brink might have been if it was a good game. It still appears to be a solid arcade-y multiplayer shooter, though whether that'something you like is a matter of preference.
There are no Android games on that list.
That's like calling it a PC game list.
K-On! Airsoft Edition. Would that be an accurate guess?
Really rough around the edges but it's fun once you get the hang of the controls! I'm rocketing around the forest hacking and chopping as Mikasa :)
You lucky people! This is getting me so hyped for the PC release.