I doubt it's metal and wood. Because you could just then buy a reproduction or decommissioned gun for about the same price. Plastic is cheaper and lighter.
I doubt it's metal and wood. Because you could just then buy a reproduction or decommissioned gun for about the same price. Plastic is cheaper and lighter.
They really should have consulted someone before finalizing the Engrish title if it was intended as a translation. A more appropriate rendition of 進撃の巨人 would be "Attack of the Titans". Literally, it says "advancing giants."
Thanks, I think?
Specifically, otaku is a general term for geek/enthusiast of any kind in Japanese (military otaku, movie otaku, photography otaku, etc). However, due to media portrayals it has become popularly associated with the Forever Alone anime lolicon porn loving otaku stereotype.
Don't be disappointed. This is specific to Japanese anime otaku that frequently attend conventions and are also fans of adult visual novels to the extent that they can recognize exactly which voice actress makes which fake sex moan. If you don't qualify for all three for those categories you won't know most of the…
Well that makes way more sense. Looking back, I probably should have read the 2ch post myself. Also explains why I have never heard that name.
Since comic book or sci-fi geek is the closest Western equivalent (with the associated social stigmas) to a Japanese anime otaku, trivia about various comic series, artists, and writers would do. Memes too.
I got... 5? 3 if they have to be explicit knowledge. So I guess that puts me in creepy キモオタク territory :(
Just so you know, it's a cold noodle sandwich. I didn't find it that appetizing.
Yakisoba sandwiches have been a standard item on the cold shelf in convenience stores for years. In the same place one would find burritos and sandwiches in an American 7-Eleven, Japan's stores carry weird sandwiches and various flavors of onigiri.
I recommend checking out Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. It's fan fiction, but written by Eliezer Yudkowsky, research fellow at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute and it's basically a rewrite of HP from the start, if Harry was a child prodigy who reacted as normal people would actually react.
I see this annotation feature getting out of hand very soon.
True, it has become as much of a pre-order/marketing tool as much as an indie-style crowdfunding medium, and that rather goes against the spirit of Kickstarter.
In that case, I personally disagree with the direction Maxis is taking SimCity's game design. the new multi-city mechanic and intercity cooperation is a neat idea but including it at the expense of the traditional "sandbox" style mode older fans wanted was the wrong choice, IMO.
Clearly, you stopped reading right after the line you quoted.
They should've made the new L4D2 special zombies attack only Ellis.
I generally agree. There are good ideas but the implementation is still lacking. The way they've set things up it makes sense to have a remote server doing the inter-region calculations. But the numbers you mentioned - UGH the numbers. I am positive that the game fudges them.
And you should keep staying away for now. Wait a few months. There will be a sale anyway.
IMO it's very fun when it works, but all the negative attention should tell you that it doesn't go hitch-free. The first city I spent over 20 hours building got corrupted server-side and is now completely inaccessible. My current city glitches out every once in a while and I lose hours of progress when it forces me to…
Certainly. It gets complicated once you start getting into the reasons why they took so long to catch on to that, but part of it is owed to large differences in the way the Japanese and American markets use the internet. I would go so far as to speculate that the absence of a large PC gaming market in Japan is also a…