
It's because one of the later novels has Jaime has a POV character. He undergoes major character development and becomes a much more sympathetic character.

Yeah... for regular consumer use, I don't get it.

When I was in 8th grade, I had to lug a bag full of textbooks around every day. It was the worst because there were no personal lockers at that grade. If you were lucky, the class had extra books so you could use one in class and leave your copy at home.

I've known Chuck e' Cheese workers that have said employees often have sex in the play tubes after hours, and that it's not that uncommon for kids to smear their shit all over the inside walls. Pity the rookie who has to clean *that* one up...

I think people read a little too much into the Adobe Photoshop situation... they don't have to illegally distribute it because any user can do that on their own readily enough — all Adobe has to do is let the file sharing happen.

Yes, in the end, the case probably wouldn't hold up in court. However, responding to legal threats is still a pain in the ass, and expensive if it ends up going to court. One point of the article is that it's safer to just avoid the trouble altogether (meaning don't pirate, but eh)

As I've been working my way through my 2010-2012 backlog of games, I'm learning more about what really makes an RPG fun for me. Good combat, graphics, etc. can really add to the appeal and my initial interest, but in the end it's the world that decides whether I stay or move eon.

I translate stuff, too. Silly mistakes you have to watch out for, especially when you're running on coffee at 2AM.

Opinions on art, story, and characters are largely subjective, but I think we can all agree that something was wrong with the dungeon/combat design.

It's not that I like EA's practices — the monetization of DLC, etc. really annoys me as a consumer — but come on, it's just VIDEO GAMES, and they're hardly the only one!

I have to agree with Reseburg on the colossal stupidity of this "award". What a farce.

The pop "idol" industry in Japan, and East Asia in general, is trend-driven and cutthroat competitive. It's just record labels and talent agencies finding whatever attractive and somewhat talented teen/20something they can, marketing them in groups or solo (slightly more skilled) until their popularity burns out, and

CAPTAIN ANDERSON, GODDAMMIT! (Jacob too, but nobody cares about him) Even Shepard can be black if you want him/her(!) to be!

I'd modify it so that the alarm function goes "CHUUUUUUUUU!!!!" when it's triggered.

It does seem like bad form (maybe because of the big fat red NO in my face) but it's worked before. Giant Bomb's reviews, for example, have their score and short blurb at the top, but are always worth reading to the end IMO.

With respect, Capcom's MT Framework engine is a pretty big damn glaring exception to the rule as presented in this article. MTF and 3rd-party licensed uses of it have generated some very technically impressive titles.